Ladies and gentlemen, I, Anna, actually relaxed this weekend! I know, it's amazing. I had the best time... I hung out Friday night and watched movies. On Saturday I went biking with my friend Kristen and her husband Robbie. We rode along the American River and it was so beautiful. The crappy part was that some spore or pollen got into my eyes and they promptly swelled pretty bad. So I spent the rest of the night resting at home so that they would stop swelling. Watched some "24" and a couple of movies. Nice. Today I went to they gym to swim, ran some errands and went to church. Most of the afternoon I cooked (YUMMY fruit salad and Kati's chocolate chip peanut butter bars). I topped the day off by cooking a delicious dinner of stuff shells and fruit salad. YUM! Now I'm heading back down to watch my Kings play! I believe!!!
This Weekend's Triathlon Training:
Biking: 12 miles
Swimming: 1,500 yards
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Back in the Saddle
Well, I finally did it. Almost six weeks to the day after The Great Crash of 2006 I not only purchased a new bike, but actually got my butt back on it and rode! Once I got over the panic of feeling like I was going to go flying over the handlebars any minute, it was a rather nice ride. I can't wait for the triathlon now that I have my pony back! It's a Schwinn Sierra GS in a cool grayish color... I love it!

Sleek water bottle holder:

This is my favorite part... it's like air conditioning for your butt!

Cody had to help take pictures:
Well folks, that's about all for now... it's just been a very long week and I can't wait to totally relax this weekend!
Today's Triathlon Training:
Biking: 3 miles

Sleek water bottle holder:

This is my favorite part... it's like air conditioning for your butt!

Cody had to help take pictures:

Today's Triathlon Training:
Biking: 3 miles
Monday, April 24, 2006
Everyone, tonight Kati auditioned for her school's ballroom performance group and got in!!! Woo hoo!!
I'm so proud of her!!! I knew she could do it and I can't wait to see her perform live with the group!
In other news, I found this really cool website, via the 24 Hour Fitness newsletter. You enter an activity, how long you're doing it for and your weight and it calculates how many calories you will burn doing said activity. The coolest thing is how huge the list is. For example, if I were to play piano for 60 minutes, I would burn 168.3 calories. My 30 minute walks with Cody burn 128.7 calories. The one hour I watch "ER" burns 62.4 calories. But here's the one that is the kicker... I honestly couldn't believe this actually out ranks spinning, biking and pretty much everything besides running. One hour of swimming burns 522.6 calories! How cool is that? It's a fun little tool to play around with!
Other than that, nothing else is new here. Getting ready for another work from home day tomorrow - I love Tuesdays!!!
I'm out.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Things That Make You Go Hmm....
Tonight Brigitte and I went to a Pampered Chef Party hosted by our friends Billy and Barbara. It was an amazing party and I ended up purchasing several interesting and fun cooking tools. I can't wait for them to show up at my doorstep!
On the way to pick Brigitte up I saw several weird things involving cars... The first was a man driving his car in the suicide lane (for you non-Californians, that's that lane in the middle of the road that you can turn into but aren't supposed to actually drive in). Not only was it weird that he was driving in the suicide lane, but he was doing so for about 100 feet with his driver's side door wide open. He didn't drop anything out or throw up or anything, but then slams the door and speeds off. Hmm...
The second was a few minutes later - I was at a stop light getting ready to turn left. The lanes going straight had quite a line and so from the car ahead of me and back we couldn't get into the left hand turn lane because of a center divider planter. Well, the car in front of me (a pretty beat up Caddy) guns it and hops right up onto the planter, drives over it and pulls into the turn lane - only to sit there at a red light. Hmm...
Finally, and probably the most funny story of the night, on the way to Barb and Billy's we pull up to a red light. To the left we see a man trying to hook a chain to the car behind him. He looks up at us and Brig and I realize we've totally been staring. So we look away (but TOTALLY want to look back). He finally gets them hooked together and starts to tow the car across the intersection. Not very funny, you say? Well, let me tell you a little bit about the cars. His car was a rusted, beat up old Jeep. Some of the side windows were missing and the entire back door was gone. Her car was a Cadillac-style car, also beat up, rusted and missing windows. To top it all of, there were about four little kids bouncing around the back seat of the Jeep... probably not seatbelted. Hmm...
Today I actually completed the distances for my triathlon. I wanted to make sure that I could actually do them all together, on the same day, so that when I get into the real triathlon I can talk myself through it. I'm proud to say that today I did my tri in one hour and thirty-four minutes. Woo hoo! I can't wait for the real one!
The Kings lost their first playoff game today... definitely not how I would have wanted to see them start their series, but there are at least three, maybe more games to go. Next game is on Tuesday - think happy thoughts!
Finally, congrats to Eva who is now officially allowed to save a life (if she asks for their permission first, of course)!
Today's Triathlon Training:
Swimming: 875 yards
Biking: 13 miles
Running: 3.1 miles
On the way to pick Brigitte up I saw several weird things involving cars... The first was a man driving his car in the suicide lane (for you non-Californians, that's that lane in the middle of the road that you can turn into but aren't supposed to actually drive in). Not only was it weird that he was driving in the suicide lane, but he was doing so for about 100 feet with his driver's side door wide open. He didn't drop anything out or throw up or anything, but then slams the door and speeds off. Hmm...
The second was a few minutes later - I was at a stop light getting ready to turn left. The lanes going straight had quite a line and so from the car ahead of me and back we couldn't get into the left hand turn lane because of a center divider planter. Well, the car in front of me (a pretty beat up Caddy) guns it and hops right up onto the planter, drives over it and pulls into the turn lane - only to sit there at a red light. Hmm...
Finally, and probably the most funny story of the night, on the way to Barb and Billy's we pull up to a red light. To the left we see a man trying to hook a chain to the car behind him. He looks up at us and Brig and I realize we've totally been staring. So we look away (but TOTALLY want to look back). He finally gets them hooked together and starts to tow the car across the intersection. Not very funny, you say? Well, let me tell you a little bit about the cars. His car was a rusted, beat up old Jeep. Some of the side windows were missing and the entire back door was gone. Her car was a Cadillac-style car, also beat up, rusted and missing windows. To top it all of, there were about four little kids bouncing around the back seat of the Jeep... probably not seatbelted. Hmm...
Today I actually completed the distances for my triathlon. I wanted to make sure that I could actually do them all together, on the same day, so that when I get into the real triathlon I can talk myself through it. I'm proud to say that today I did my tri in one hour and thirty-four minutes. Woo hoo! I can't wait for the real one!
The Kings lost their first playoff game today... definitely not how I would have wanted to see them start their series, but there are at least three, maybe more games to go. Next game is on Tuesday - think happy thoughts!
Finally, congrats to Eva who is now officially allowed to save a life (if she asks for their permission first, of course)!
Today's Triathlon Training:
Swimming: 875 yards
Biking: 13 miles
Running: 3.1 miles
Monday, April 17, 2006
Driving Stereotypes
So today on my way to and from work I did some research on the different types of drivers out there.
I am a singer/wheel banger almost every time I'm in the car, and I confess, on occasion, to being a cell phone talker. However, I just purchased the wireless headset to go with my phone, so I'm getting much better at that!
Today's Triathlon Training:
Biking: 4 miles
- The Commercial Driver. This guy is all business. He's not only speeding, but feels free to swerve across lanes without using a blinker on his big truck because he knows he can squish your car in a heartbeat.
- The Nose Picker. You can substitute "wiper", "scratcher" or whatever you'd like in there. We know it was a pick and we definitely saw it. For some reason this guy (or gal) thinks that being in a car makes you invisible.
- The Cell Phone Talker. I have to admit, most of these are women. There are a few men out there (see "The Business Man") but a majority of this goes to the X Chromosome. This person is generally on her cell phone with the front mirror down putting on her makeup. This is an excellent chance to test your defensive driving skills.
- The Singer/Wheel Banger. On a warm, sunny day, this person will have their windows down and will sing at the top of their lungs. They may or may not bang on the steering wheel as if they were drummers. This picturesque scene is even more fun to watch when the windows are up and you can't hear what they're singing along to.
- The Stalker. This person pulls up next to you and you turn your head (almost as a reflex). Every time you look over, you catch them staring at you. At every light.
- The Business Man. Generally there is a cell phone involved with this one (see "The Cell Phone Talker"). This is generally a guy who thinks he owns the road. He'll be in a nice suit and most likely a really nice car. He'll proceed to cut you off or make some stupid driving mistake and then will have the nerve to glare (or honk) at you! Just because you have a nice car doesn't mean you own the road.
- The Swerver. You'd swear they were drunk, but they're too unpredictable for even that! For some reason this person can't stay in their lane. Or the lane next to them. Or the lane next to that. The worst, however, is when they only swerve a little bit and keep making you swerve. It's contagious!
- The Braker. This person feels it's necessary to break when a leaf blows across the road. There could be miles of open highway and for some reason this person will still tap those brake lights.
- The Racers. This is not what you think. Picture this. You're on a road with two lanes in each direction. The guy in front of you is doing 10 miles under the speed limit and you're already 15 minutes late to work. You change over to the slow lane only to find that the person there is going 9.99 miles under the speed limit. Every now and then they speed up j u s t a l i t t l e b i t, but only enough to barely catch up. Makes you want to risk driving into incoming traffic, doesn't it?!
- The Stop Light Sitter. This person will somehow manage to sit at a green light until RIGHT before it turns red. Then they'll zoom through the intersection and live you to sit waiting for the light to turn green again (this generally happens at the longest lights in the world).
I am a singer/wheel banger almost every time I'm in the car, and I confess, on occasion, to being a cell phone talker. However, I just purchased the wireless headset to go with my phone, so I'm getting much better at that!
Today's Triathlon Training:
Biking: 4 miles
Sunday, April 16, 2006
First and foremost, Happy Easter everyone! Today was fairly mellow - just hung out with the parents and visited a family friend who is in the hospital.
News Break:
News Break:
Not that I'm excited or anything... honestly, I wasn't totally sure they'd make it this year - I think we have a really great team, but we're just very new at playing together since the only "old" player left is Bibby. That said, there's nothing like an underdog win! I can't wait for the playoffs!
Happy Easter again and good night!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Eye Cleaner, Hair Dye and Makeup
No more reaching for material now... it's been a busy day and a half!
So yesterday at about noon I scan over CNN to see if there's any new interesting news. Lo and behold, I see an article about screwy contact lens solution, so I decide to read it, as I'm a contact lens wearer. Let me preface this by saying I woke up yesterday morning with a semi-swollen, itchy eye. I chalked it off to allergies and just wore my glasses to work.
Click here to read the article.
Several things should trigger your attention with this. First off, the URL (the web address). The fact that it has bausch.eye.fungus in it should raise a red flag. Upon reading the article, the words blinding eye infection, rare fungal infection, and corneal transplants popped right out at me. Immediately I call my mom to have her double check that I do, in fact, use the moisture Loc solution. This is followed up by a call to my eye doctor, who calmly tells me that if I did have the infection I would not just suspect it, I would know it. As in green pus would be coming out of my eyes. He then calmly informed me that I had eye allergies. I have never in my life been so happy to hear that I have allergies! My eye doctor sounded like he'd probably had a hundred people call him that day to talk about eye fungus... poor guy!
I followed this up with a trip Jan, my hair stylist. I decided that I wanted to go back to my natural color (yes Kyra, Joanna and all you others, I actually do know what that color is... :) ). He did a really wonderful job! It's a big change, but I think it makes my complexion look a lot better.
Finally, today mom and I went to Macy's and spent some time with the lovely ladies at the MAC counter. Now, normally the MAC counter scares me. Boys, that would be the one you walk past where all the makeup artists (including the guy makeup artists) are wearing black and have on the most outrageous colors in eyeshadows. I ended up with purples. I know it sounds crazy, but it actually makes my baby blues look way baby blue. It's kind of fun to play around with all of the colors!
Ok, off to read a little and then probably go to bed. Happy Easter Vigil!
So yesterday at about noon I scan over CNN to see if there's any new interesting news. Lo and behold, I see an article about screwy contact lens solution, so I decide to read it, as I'm a contact lens wearer. Let me preface this by saying I woke up yesterday morning with a semi-swollen, itchy eye. I chalked it off to allergies and just wore my glasses to work.
Click here to read the article.
Several things should trigger your attention with this. First off, the URL (the web address). The fact that it has bausch.eye.fungus in it should raise a red flag. Upon reading the article, the words blinding eye infection, rare fungal infection, and corneal transplants popped right out at me. Immediately I call my mom to have her double check that I do, in fact, use the moisture Loc solution. This is followed up by a call to my eye doctor, who calmly tells me that if I did have the infection I would not just suspect it, I would know it. As in green pus would be coming out of my eyes. He then calmly informed me that I had eye allergies. I have never in my life been so happy to hear that I have allergies! My eye doctor sounded like he'd probably had a hundred people call him that day to talk about eye fungus... poor guy!
I followed this up with a trip Jan, my hair stylist. I decided that I wanted to go back to my natural color (yes Kyra, Joanna and all you others, I actually do know what that color is... :) ). He did a really wonderful job! It's a big change, but I think it makes my complexion look a lot better.
Finally, today mom and I went to Macy's and spent some time with the lovely ladies at the MAC counter. Now, normally the MAC counter scares me. Boys, that would be the one you walk past where all the makeup artists (including the guy makeup artists) are wearing black and have on the most outrageous colors in eyeshadows. I ended up with purples. I know it sounds crazy, but it actually makes my baby blues look way baby blue. It's kind of fun to play around with all of the colors!
Ok, off to read a little and then probably go to bed. Happy Easter Vigil!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Weird Sights
Ok, so today was a day of weirdness...
I met up with Brigitte and Amber for dinner. On the way there, I'm sitting at a stoplight when two guys on motorcycles pull up on both sides of my car. I look to my right and the guy looks normal. I look to my left and the guy is wearing a skull mask. Like gonna-rob-a-bank-with-a-creepy-Halloween-mask. I was fully convinced he was going to carjack me. But they zipped off and I saw no more of the scary mask dude.
Then, on the way home this huge flock of mallard ducks flew over me. Just kind of random and definitely not a sight I see every day!
Today's Traithlon Training:
Running: 3 miles
I met up with Brigitte and Amber for dinner. On the way there, I'm sitting at a stoplight when two guys on motorcycles pull up on both sides of my car. I look to my right and the guy looks normal. I look to my left and the guy is wearing a skull mask. Like gonna-rob-a-bank-with-a-creepy-Halloween-mask. I was fully convinced he was going to carjack me. But they zipped off and I saw no more of the scary mask dude.
Then, on the way home this huge flock of mallard ducks flew over me. Just kind of random and definitely not a sight I see every day!
Today's Traithlon Training:
Running: 3 miles
Monday, April 10, 2006
The Big M
Ladies and Gents, on Tuesday, May 30th I have the distinct honor of accompanying Adam and Eva to none other than the Madonna concert. I am SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED! First off, I can't believe we got tickets (and when I say we, I mean Eva - she had people on the Internet and was the 5th person in line at Tower and probably had all of Santa's elves working on it too). Secondly, I can't believe I'm going to see freaking Madonna! Woo hoo!
I know you're all dying to see pictures of the Tour de Georgia - however, I'm going to wait until KATI SENDS ME HERS (hint hint) because I want to have all of them up. HOPEFULLY she does this in the next day so that everyone backs off me *cough*MATT*cough*. Just kidding. I do want to make sure that you see them all and that I don't have to send them twice, so I'll wait.
Speaking of Georgia, the trip home was fun. I got on the "regional jet" (translation: smallest plane they could cram people into) and sat next to the fattest, smelliest man in the world. Since there were only two seats, I was fortunate to have an aisle. Thank God because he kept leaning towards me, smelling up my bubble. Eww. To make matters worse, we sat on the plane for an hour before it took off because - get this - they were missing a placard that goes on the nose of the plane. Just in case you don't know:
plac·ard ( P ) Pronunciation Key (plkärd, -rd) noun
1. A sign or notice for display in a public place.
2. A small card or plaque, such as a nameplate on a door.
Yes, we were delayed an hour because they were missing a sign off the freaking front of the plane. To make matters worse, they had to send a mechanic over to determine if it indeed was missing. Then said mechanic apparently had to walk thlengthth of thAtlantata airport to find a sign to glue on before we took off. Once we taxied out we had to sit in line for 25 minutes before we could take off... sheesh! Fortunately, I didn't miss my connecting flight and had a decent ride back from Chicago.
Today was a crazy day at work... I got in and had 557 emails. Yes, 557. I just now logged off (I worked a little when I got home from choir and I'm down to 16 unread emails. Go me!
On that note, I'm signing off. Peace.
I know you're all dying to see pictures of the Tour de Georgia - however, I'm going to wait until KATI SENDS ME HERS (hint hint) because I want to have all of them up. HOPEFULLY she does this in the next day so that everyone backs off me *cough*MATT*cough*. Just kidding. I do want to make sure that you see them all and that I don't have to send them twice, so I'll wait.
Speaking of Georgia, the trip home was fun. I got on the "regional jet" (translation: smallest plane they could cram people into) and sat next to the fattest, smelliest man in the world. Since there were only two seats, I was fortunate to have an aisle. Thank God because he kept leaning towards me, smelling up my bubble. Eww. To make matters worse, we sat on the plane for an hour before it took off because - get this - they were missing a placard that goes on the nose of the plane. Just in case you don't know:
plac·ard ( P ) Pronunciation Key (plkärd, -rd) noun
1. A sign or notice for display in a public place.
2. A small card or plaque, such as a nameplate on a door.
Yes, we were delayed an hour because they were missing a sign off the freaking front of the plane. To make matters worse, they had to send a mechanic over to determine if it indeed was missing. Then said mechanic apparently had to walk thlengthth of thAtlantata airport to find a sign to glue on before we took off. Once we taxied out we had to sit in line for 25 minutes before we could take off... sheesh! Fortunately, I didn't miss my connecting flight and had a decent ride back from Chicago.
Today was a crazy day at work... I got in and had 557 emails. Yes, 557. I just now logged off (I worked a little when I got home from choir and I'm down to 16 unread emails. Go me!
On that note, I'm signing off. Peace.
Saturday, April 8, 2006
Sweet Tea in My Veins
Hey y'all!
Ok, I can't stop drinking sweet tea! That stuff is amazing! I wish that all of our fast food places (McDonalds, etc) had it like they do here! MUCH better than soda! Although, according to Kati, they wean babies straight from the bottle to a can of Coke - so that's kinda big down here!
Now I'm sitting in Kati's living room, watching "Sweet Home Alabama" and listening to the Georgia rain fall outside. It's so beautiful! We've had a thunder storm roll through (Atlanta had tornados and power outages!) but all we've had is rain and thunder and lightning. It's awesome!
Well, here's the week in recap (pictures to follow when I get home):
Sunday: Arrival and Drive to Savannah
I arrived in Atlanta Sunday afternoon and Kati and I took off from there to head down to Savannah. The drive was absolutely beautiful! All of the high ways here are lined with amazing trees and beautiful flowers! I can't even imagine what it would be like in spring and summer when everything is blooming! We got to Savannah fairly late and went out to dinner at Molly McPherson Scottish Tavern - definitely yummy food!
Monday: First Day in Savannah
We spent Monday in Savannah. We started by taking the trolley tour - they drove us all through the city for an hour and a half and gave us the history of all of the old houses and buildings. After the trolley tour Kati and I wandered through the city and took tons of pictures. We went to River Street, home of the original River Street Sweets. We got to sample some yummy candy! We also had dinner at a great little cafe called Hueys - it was authentic New Orleans style cooking - I had a muffaleta and red beans and rice. YUM!
Tuesday: Second Day in Savannah and Drive to Athens
We left Savannah Tuesday morning and headed out to Tybee light house - my first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean! We played on the beach and took some pictures of the light house. Then we drove up to the Hay House, which is a historic mansion up in Macon. I was beautiful home that was seven stories tall and had been beautifully restored! We drove back up to Athens and relaxed the rest of the evening.
Wednesday: Visit to Atlanta and Gretchen Wilson Concert
Kati and I went to Atlanta for the day - we went shopping at the Great Mall of Georgia. I even successfully found pants! Kati always helps me have a great shopping trip! It's a great mall with lotsa stores! Wednesday night we went to the Gretchen Wilson concert. Holy cow... it was so amazing! Blaine Nelson and Van Zant opened for her and both of them were great. Gretchen Wilson totally stole the show. She sang every song exactly how she sang them on the CDs and she sang every style of music (country, rock and roll, blues, jazz, blue grass, etc). The funniest part about the show was when we left - they were playing Hank Williams Jr. and as people were walking outm they were ALL singing along! It was hilarious! This had to rank as one of the top concerts that I've seen (and we only paid $20 for our tickets!).
Thursday: Shopping in Athens and Relaxing
We spent Thursday morning shopping in Athens. We went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast (YUMMY hash brown casserole and sausage patties) and then out to the stores in Athens. We relaxed in the afternoon and laid out in the sun to read and relax. We watched "Derailed" and "Red Eye" and just hung out all night. Woo hoo!
Friday: Downtown Athens and Ballroom Dancing
We spent the morning walking through downtown Athens and visiting UGA. What a beautiful campus! The frat/sorority row is actually a bunch of old mansions that each of the frats/sororities actually live in! I can't believe it! The dorms are these beautiful old colonial style buildings. I can't believe people actually live there! So, since the bull dog is the official school mascot, they have these bull dog statues all over down town Athens that are decorated and painted in different colors. I took lots of pictures!!! Friday afternoon we laid out in the sun, read and napped. Friday night we went to Kati's ball room dance event. The first hour was a fox trot lesson and then the rest of the time was dancing. It was so much fun! I salsaed (?), fox trotted, tangoed and waltzed! It was awesome! I'm nowhere near as good as Kati (she's absolutely AMAZING!), but it was a lot of fun!
Saturday: Relaxing!
Today we're just hanging out, watching movies and relaxing. I love it and I'm sad I have to go home tomorrow! We were supposed to hike today, but because of the rain that's been called off. It's just really nice to sit here and listen to the rain!
Well, that's about it for now. I promise to post pictures (and email the rest to whoever's interested) as soon as I get home! I'm finally starting to feel better (having had any cold medicine since last night at about 6pm!) and actually worked out the other day! 9 miles of biking towards my triathlon training! Well, that's about all from here.... more when I get home!
Ok, I can't stop drinking sweet tea! That stuff is amazing! I wish that all of our fast food places (McDonalds, etc) had it like they do here! MUCH better than soda! Although, according to Kati, they wean babies straight from the bottle to a can of Coke - so that's kinda big down here!
Now I'm sitting in Kati's living room, watching "Sweet Home Alabama" and listening to the Georgia rain fall outside. It's so beautiful! We've had a thunder storm roll through (Atlanta had tornados and power outages!) but all we've had is rain and thunder and lightning. It's awesome!
Well, here's the week in recap (pictures to follow when I get home):
Sunday: Arrival and Drive to Savannah
I arrived in Atlanta Sunday afternoon and Kati and I took off from there to head down to Savannah. The drive was absolutely beautiful! All of the high ways here are lined with amazing trees and beautiful flowers! I can't even imagine what it would be like in spring and summer when everything is blooming! We got to Savannah fairly late and went out to dinner at Molly McPherson Scottish Tavern - definitely yummy food!
Monday: First Day in Savannah
We spent Monday in Savannah. We started by taking the trolley tour - they drove us all through the city for an hour and a half and gave us the history of all of the old houses and buildings. After the trolley tour Kati and I wandered through the city and took tons of pictures. We went to River Street, home of the original River Street Sweets. We got to sample some yummy candy! We also had dinner at a great little cafe called Hueys - it was authentic New Orleans style cooking - I had a muffaleta and red beans and rice. YUM!
Tuesday: Second Day in Savannah and Drive to Athens
We left Savannah Tuesday morning and headed out to Tybee light house - my first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean! We played on the beach and took some pictures of the light house. Then we drove up to the Hay House, which is a historic mansion up in Macon. I was beautiful home that was seven stories tall and had been beautifully restored! We drove back up to Athens and relaxed the rest of the evening.
Wednesday: Visit to Atlanta and Gretchen Wilson Concert
Kati and I went to Atlanta for the day - we went shopping at the Great Mall of Georgia. I even successfully found pants! Kati always helps me have a great shopping trip! It's a great mall with lotsa stores! Wednesday night we went to the Gretchen Wilson concert. Holy cow... it was so amazing! Blaine Nelson and Van Zant opened for her and both of them were great. Gretchen Wilson totally stole the show. She sang every song exactly how she sang them on the CDs and she sang every style of music (country, rock and roll, blues, jazz, blue grass, etc). The funniest part about the show was when we left - they were playing Hank Williams Jr. and as people were walking outm they were ALL singing along! It was hilarious! This had to rank as one of the top concerts that I've seen (and we only paid $20 for our tickets!).
Thursday: Shopping in Athens and Relaxing
We spent Thursday morning shopping in Athens. We went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast (YUMMY hash brown casserole and sausage patties) and then out to the stores in Athens. We relaxed in the afternoon and laid out in the sun to read and relax. We watched "Derailed" and "Red Eye" and just hung out all night. Woo hoo!
Friday: Downtown Athens and Ballroom Dancing
We spent the morning walking through downtown Athens and visiting UGA. What a beautiful campus! The frat/sorority row is actually a bunch of old mansions that each of the frats/sororities actually live in! I can't believe it! The dorms are these beautiful old colonial style buildings. I can't believe people actually live there! So, since the bull dog is the official school mascot, they have these bull dog statues all over down town Athens that are decorated and painted in different colors. I took lots of pictures!!! Friday afternoon we laid out in the sun, read and napped. Friday night we went to Kati's ball room dance event. The first hour was a fox trot lesson and then the rest of the time was dancing. It was so much fun! I salsaed (?), fox trotted, tangoed and waltzed! It was awesome! I'm nowhere near as good as Kati (she's absolutely AMAZING!), but it was a lot of fun!
Saturday: Relaxing!
Today we're just hanging out, watching movies and relaxing. I love it and I'm sad I have to go home tomorrow! We were supposed to hike today, but because of the rain that's been called off. It's just really nice to sit here and listen to the rain!
Well, that's about it for now. I promise to post pictures (and email the rest to whoever's interested) as soon as I get home! I'm finally starting to feel better (having had any cold medicine since last night at about 6pm!) and actually worked out the other day! 9 miles of biking towards my triathlon training! Well, that's about all from here.... more when I get home!
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Georgia on My Mind
I have not abandoned you! Here I am!!! So I am having the BEST time ever in Georgia with Kati! Tonight is the first night that I've been near a computer - we've spent the last two days in Savannah. It was an absolutely amazing time! The city had so much to see and to take pictures of - just be ready, when I get back it's going to be the longest blog ever!
Today we drove back and stopped at the Hay House. No, not a house made out of Hay. It is a seven story mansion in Macon. I have some pictures too!
Tomorrow we go into Atlanta and tomorrow night is the Gretchen Wilson concert!
More to come...
Today we drove back and stopped at the Hay House. No, not a house made out of Hay. It is a seven story mansion in Macon. I have some pictures too!
Tomorrow we go into Atlanta and tomorrow night is the Gretchen Wilson concert!
More to come...
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