Hurricane Survival Kit
Toilet Paper........................................check
Bud Light..........................................check
Keystone Ice........................................check
Red Dog..............................check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol......................check
Piece of plywood to float your chick and booze on...check
Next time let's all be more prepared.

So this weekend has been full of ups and downs. On Friday I when to the doctor because my knee has been bothering me. I have steadily worked up to a 10 miles per week running schedule and have been feeling pretty good. Then on Monday/Tuesday, I noticed that my right knee hurt when I placed weight on it and bent (like the motion of walking up stairs). After the broken foot fiasco (walked around on it for a year) I figured I might as well have this one checked out early and save myself some pain. Diagnosis: Tendonitis. Cure: A pill called Voltaren, a lot of ice and no running for two weeks. The doctor's specific words (imagine me looking at her with big old wide eyes):
"I'm going to say the words that every runner hates to hear. You can't run for at least two weeks. You actually have to pamper that leg. I know it's hard, but you have to. Try biking."
Yeah. Like that feels anything like running. I mean, I love to bike and all, but it's just not the same. Hrumph.
The up part of the weekend was my concert. We did such an amazing job! I am exhausted today though. We rehearsed Friday from 6-10pm and yesterday from 10:30-2:00pm. Then performed. It was a long weekend, but definitely paid off! I have pictures (I'm not sure I can post them, so email me if you'd like to see them) and today I am just going to relax all day long! Woo hoo!
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