Today I walked out to my car to leave for work and found that it had been broken into. The quirk is that someone peeled the door open. No, they didn't smash the window, they peeled. The officer said it was definitely more than one person because one guy had to use the crow bar and the other guy had to pull. They walked away with 10 CDs, a pair of cheap sunglasses, my rosary that hung on my rear view mirror and a crystal that Brigitte gave me that also hung on the mirror. They threw everything around inside my car and cleaned out the glove box and console. The officer kept asking me if anyone was mad at me because of the level of vandalism. Most of the time criminals would just have broken the window for a quick in and out. I honestly can't think of anyone that's mad at me. And I don't generally hang around the type of people that would destroy my car if they did happen to get mad at me.
So, my day has been spent calling the police, the insurance company, the rental car people and the repair shop. Not sure how much it's going to be, but my police officer said they will most likely have to replace the whole door to make it structurally sound. Great. I'm sure that will be a quick fix.
My poor Big Red. She's been through so much...
Here are some pictures:

To the bastards out there who broke into my car: you'd better watch out. Stealing a rosary is a pretty serious thing, and God just might smite you. I'd be looking over your shoulder if I were you. Oh, and, if they find you, I'm pressing charges. Felony breaking and entering, baby.
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