Well, I was on my way to work this morning - not running late or anything, just kinda cruising. However, when I cruise, I like to do the speed limit. Especially if I'm in the fast lane. Back to the story. So I'm cruising and this lady pulls her little gold Mazda in front of me. Without a blinker. Which I guess I'm ok with since I just moved back from San Diego, where I think there's actually a law against using your blinkers. She pulls in front of me and slooooooooooooooooooooows doooooooooown. A lot. Now, I'm driving thinking "Hey, did I do something to make this lady mad? Is that why she suddenly slowed down?" People are zooming past us in the slow lane and there's about a five car gap between her and the guy in front of her. Now I'm getting really curious. By the time I decide to pass her, it's too close to where I turn left, so I decide to wait it out and pray she goes straight. Then her left hand blinker comes on. Darn it. Once we turn I zip past her, but take a little look to see who she is (not a mean glare or anything, just a look). She was just a normal lady. Not on a cell phone, not old, not tending to kids in the back seat. Just a normal, middle aged woman driving her Mazda slow. That really got me thinking. Maybe she slowed me down for a reason. We had to cross some rail road tracks - perhaps I could have been hit by a train had I sped over them like normal. Maybe someone would have run the red light if I cruised through the yellow one. Who knows. It sounds weird, but I had this odd feeling that the lady in the gold Mazda was there for a reason. God's way of slowing me down today.
Maybe I was just hungry.
In other news, Adam, Eva and Oma will be here the day after tomorrow! Woo hoo! We start dress rehearsals tomorrow night, so I'll be having some looooooooong days. But it's worth it. I absolutely love performing and everything that goes with it!
Oh, and I have some more "Operation Little Elf" pictures. Mrs. Claus took some on our final day of decorating:

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