- Seventh Standard (local band that won the Battle of the Bands at the Powerhouse Pub this year)
- Narwhal (a band that's on the Maloof music label - they were actually pretty good)
- Marty Casey and the Lovehammers
- Ringside featuring Brian Bell from Weezer
- Scott Stapp (former lead singer of Creed)
- Switchfoot
After Narwhal came Marty Casey and the Lovehammers. I'm not sure how many of you watched the TV show, Rockstar INXS, but Marty was the runner up. He wrote that awesome song called "Trees" (download it if you don't have it!). He came out with his new band and was absolutely amazing. He even climbed up the scaffolding on the side of the stage and sang from the very top!He put on an awesome, very energetic show! Some time after the performance, Brig and I went over to see if we could get his autograph. Alas, he was leaving but I did get a couple cool candid shots.
After that came Ringside who was awesome. I only really know one of their songs, but they were great performers!
Next came Scott Stapp. He put on a fantastic performance and has that really cool voice that I love. He's one of those people who in concert sounds exactly like they do on their CD. He played a lot of Creed songs and also some music off his new album. Now if only he could make that nasty video tape go away...
After Scott came Switchfoot. They played all their great songs. At this point we were starting to get more than a little hot.
Finally, INXS came out. Now, JD Fortune is their new lead singer, and for those of you who don't know, he won the position on the TV show Rockstar INXS. Let me tell you, the boy can perform. He did dirty things to the microphone stand and every girl their loved it. Besides that, he can shake the junk in his trunk. And he's not bad to look at. A deadly combination. What is it about the bad-boy-rocker type that all of us girls like? Seriously, their show was amazing. They played a lot of the old INXS stuff (as well as the new) and I think I actually like JD better than their previous lead singer. Needless to say, I have a little crush on a certain singer who apparently performed with a dislocated knee cap... you couldn't tell from the way he bounced around the stage, but the DJs said his knee cap was definitely not where it should be... that's a true performer! To make things even better, he and his backup singers did this beautiful version of "Amazing Grace" (a song close to my heart), a capella. Woot!
Here's me and the girls:

Here's JD Fortune doing his thing:

I have TONS of pictures from today - email me if you want to see more!
So after 6 hours in the sun, I have a funky burn on my legs from God knows what since I put sunscreen on every five minutes (mom, insert I told you so here). But it was worth it to see JD shake his booty!
On that happy note, I'm off to put some aloe on and go to bed!
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