Friday I drove up to the Bay Area to hang out with Adam and Eva. We had a fantastic dinner at Aqui (I'm on a cheese kick right now). We went back to their house and Eva showed me all of her cool Jazzercise stuff. Check out the rolly cart thingy!

Eva taught her first class as a Jazzercise instructor on Saturday morning. I can't believe how amazing she was! Everyone in the class said that they couldn't believe it was actually her first - she looked like a pro! Here's her doing some stretches:

And here she is leading the class:

Adam and I were so proud! There were 30-40 people there and she didn't miss a beat! WOO HOO! After that we went to breakfast and did what everyone who completes an hour of intense activity does - we ate the most gigantic cinnamon roll we could find:

Ladies and gentlemen, repeat after me: "I exercise so I can eat". Very good.
After breakfast I drove home and met up with Tim to see Pirates of the Caribbean. Very good movie (see the movie review section). ---------------------->
After the movie we all went out to watch Tim's karaoke show. He did an amazing job and we had a blast! :)
Today was my "be lazy, clean your fish tank and nap" day. After church I met up with Brig, Amb, Kris and Tim to see "You Me and Dupree" (see the movie review section). We had an awesome time.
However, things turned dark when I returned home. I sat down to check my email and watched a huge (ok, the size of a quarter) spider crawl up my wall. I called Brigitte and she talked me through the extermination process. The problem was that he was above my head, so when I smacked him he fell onto the floor and ran under my dresser. So I did what any normal person would do and sprayed with hairspray like mad. Brigitte assured me that he was completely gone and Tim asked me if I regretted not getting the bug guy's card (see post from July 12th). I sat back down at my desk and that's when it happened. The spider attacked. He came running (full force, mind you) at me from behind the dresser. I think he probably didn't like the hairspray part. So I had to resort to some serious measures... the use of hairspray and the shoe. This comes from the Revised Four Step Approach ( Thank God, it worked.
I'm sleepy and going to bed. Good night!
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