There are several new additions to my fish tank (29 gallons of fishiness, for those of you who don't know). The first is a plecosthemus (one of the fish who sucks all the algae off the sides of your tank) that I've cleverly dubbed "Sucka". The other four are tiny little creatures called "ghost shrimp". I was completely perplexed by them at the pet store and, after making sure they couldn't crawl out of the tank (see the whole blog section about the crab that kept escaping) I bought them. They're about an inch long and completely see-through. It's the coolest thing ever. I'm hoping they're big enough to not get eaten by the angel fish... I had a little "issue" with my tiny tetras. I bought 10 of them, tossed them in and went to bed. Within the next few days, I ended up with two left and an angel fish with a very fat belly. Hopefully that kind of massacre does not occur tonight.
Here's what a little ghost shrimp looks like:

Kinda scary, kinda cool. I definitely don't think they're going to give me nightmares like the crab did. Thank goodness.
Other than that I've been crazy busy at work. I think I finally caught up today, but we're diving into some more crazy stuff for the next few weeks. I need a vacation, stat.
In other exciting news, Adam and Eva are coming tomorrow! Woo hoo!
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