Friday, June 18, 2010

Catching Up Big Time

Well, the last time I wrote was quite a while ago. Things have been busy and, to be brutally honest, have felt a little out of control. I haven't had much time to think, let alone actually sit down in front of a computer and write about all of the stuff going on. Things are settling and I hope to be a little better about blogging! So, here's a great big catch up post since I last wrote at the end of March.

Work has still been super busy... right now it's taking up most of my time. Lots of great opportunity for me, but there's lots of stress that goes along with that. Fortunately, it looks like there's a light at the end of the tunnel... another month or so and things should slow down. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it...

Many of you remember good old Big Red... my first (and only) car. My parents bought her for me in September of 1998 (my junior year in high school). I've been driving her ever since... why mess around with a car payment when you have a car that moves forward? Alas, the end has come for Big Red who started having some serious (and expensive) transmission problems. I figured if I was going to spend money, it might as well be on a new car. So, we say goodbye to Miss Big Red (September 1998 - March 2010):

The good news about saying goodbye to an old friend is that obviously, I needed a new friend to get me to and from work. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Oliver:

Oliver is a 2010 Toyota RAV4. I'll start this section off by reminding you that I just came off driving a 12 year old car. Holy cow, things have changed. Obviously, things like safety have drastically improved (I went from 2 airbags to more than I can count. I'm pretty sure if I get in a crash, my car just turns into a marshmallow). There are other little things like a gas gauge that actually tells me how much gas I have as well as sun visors (my old ones fell off... I've been driving with my hand shielding my eyes from the sun for the last 3 years). I was absolutely terrified of the car buying process... to be nice, car salesmen are not exactly known for being helpful, honest people. Mine was spectacular. He wasn't pushy, he laid out the options for me and I got a great deal. I'm so super happy!

Everything else is going well... at the end of May, Mike and I went to Yosemite for a couple of days and had a wonderful time hiking around. We had been hoping to climb Half Dome, but thanks to the winter that never ends, there was still snow. Here's us at the top of Yosemite Falls:

Well, that's about it for now... I think you're all caught up. I promise to try to be better about keeping this updated!

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