Sunday, December 4, 2005


So yes, we have a final count. However, today as I was leaving for church I noticed some "suspicious activity" up in the court. Another neighbor is just now putting his lights up. I'm going to have to hold off on revealing the final count until we can confirm that our house is better. As far as I could tell, it's just icicle lights and a little light tree, but we need to make sure. So the light count revealing is on hold in case we are going to need to add on.

This weekend was a lot of fun. Went to church and out with a friend on Friday night. Saturday we finished the lights on the house and I went out with Brigitte to watch boxing with some hilarious beer-drinking boys. Today was spent decorating for Christmas and cleaning up. Laundry and all of that fun stuff.

This week should be pretty busy - I have rehearsals or dress rehearsals almost every day. I have to miss two Christmas parties on Friday because of rehearsal. But it's all worth it because we're going to have a great program put together! I'm so excited that so many people I know are coming to see it!

Have a great night! :)

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