Friday night Matt came to town and we partied like rock stars. We tried a new club, The Park, that we actually like a lot better than some of the other places we've been to. It was a hilarious night which is pretty much summed up by the following picture:
I know Brig, you hate me for posting it again, but I can't stop laughing when I see it. Amber was getting ready to take a picture of us (believe it or not, this is in the car before we started drinking) and hit the button early. My camera does this crazy anti-red eye flash and it caught Brig and I by surprise. This picture was followed by one where our faces were red and our eyes were watery from laughing so hard we cried. It was awesome to see Matt again! I'm sad he's moving to Orlando, but so happy for him and Lauren. And now I'll have another place to visit! :)
Saturday was a mellow, clean the house kind of day. Definitely some much needed relaxation after my long crazy week at work! We rented "RV" which was actually a pretty funny movie!
Sunday was my favorite day of the weekend. It was Country in the Park day! Brigitte, Alyse, Tori and I went together and since the SCSO was performing I had a VIP parking pass. We got to pull right through this little coned off area and park where the other important people and vendors parked - lol. :) We went in and found a spot for our blankets (which later proved useless) and then I headed back stage to find the rest of the group. Honestly, it was so cool. We got all of the free food we wanted (gourmet food - tri tip sandwiches, sushi, beer, salads, and all kinds of other yummy stuff). Little did I know, but I actually ate lunch next to Josh Gracin's band. It was hard to tell who was who back there. They had the tour buses all circled up around a bunch of picnic tables and everyone was just kind of hanging out. No, I didn't meet anyone famous - they were all hanging out in their trailers. It was a really cool feeling just to hang out backstage at concert and be treated like royalty!
After we warmed up and all that good stuff we went out on stage. I can't even begin to describe what a cool feeling it is to stand on a real stage and look out at 10,000 people. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it! Let me tell you, I could definitely get used to that! Here's a picture of us on stage:
And here's a picture of me singing:
Special shout out to Brig, Tori and Alyse for being my "stage moms" and taking such amazing pictures! :)
After we were finished we hung out for a while and then I headed out to watch the concert. It was so great! We ditched the blankets and stood up front, and when I say up front, I mean first/second row. Most of our pictures look like the artists are singing directly to us! The first band, Heartland, was ok. They came in at the last minute because their van broke down on the way back from Tahoe and they ended up doing a short acoustic set. A little bit disappointing. Josh Gracin came out next and was absolutely amazing! His show was energetic and super exciting. Alyse even caught a drumstick he tossed off the stage! This is Josh singing just to us (hey, four single girls can dream, can't they?):
After him came Phil Vassar who was also an amazing performer. The thing I loved most about him was that even if you didn't know who he was you definitely know at least one or two of his songs. He is a great songwriter and a lot of his music is sung by other musicians. I was wowed by his skills on the piano and by how great he was live! Here's Phil on the piano (he seemed to enjoy it up there):
Finally, Sara Evans closed the show. She was absolutely amazing. I was never a really huge fan (not as in didn't like her music or voice, but I think she just flew under the radar), but she definitely won me over with this performance. First thing, she was beautiful. I can't believe she has three kids and still looks like that! Secondly, she has an amazing voice and is a great songwriter. And finally, I love that her sister and brother are both in her band. There's nothing like the good old family vocals! Here's Sara doing her thing:
She's going to be on "Dancing With The Stars" next week - I loved that show last year and can't wait to watch and see what she can do!
Of course, no concert is complete without the typical Anna/Brig picture. We're not sweating, we're "glowing":
Today I went shopping with my mom. We had a total blast! I bought a new purse.... drumroll please... I got a Coach purse! I NEVER, EVER spend that kind of money on myself and it was definitely hard to do, but I totally love it and am glad I got myself a little treat! Back to saving for the house! Here's a link to see my new purchase:
Mom got some REALLY cute clothes and we had a lot of fun! I haven't been to Arden in forever - and I haven't been shopping in forever!
Well, that's all folks. Email me if you'd like to see the rest of the pictures from the concert - between Alyse and I we have a total of 223 pictures!
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