Shout out to Greg, Matt and Ryan who threw an awesome housewarming party on Saturday night. They have a great bachelor pad setup going and I was introduced to the wonder that is beer pong. Apparently I missed out on this in college. I tried to claim it's because I went to Catholic college, but Greg went to Gonzaga and had done it, so my theory didn't float. For those of you, who like me, somehow missed this important lesson, beer pong is a game played with a bunch of red solo cups, a ping pong ball and four semi-drunk people. Now, I was sober sister, so I was only a spectator, but had I not been driving I could possibly have been convinced to play. You fill the cups halfway with beer and line them up like bowling pins on each side of the table. The teams stand opposite each other and try to toss the ball in the other team's cup. If they make it in, the other team drinks. Goal is to be the team that doesn't drink the most. Somehow, everyone wins. It gets more and more entertaining as the hand-eye coordination begins to slip...
Anywho, it was really fun hanging out with the gang from work outside of work. They're some cool cats!
On Sunday Brig and I hauled our lazy butts out of bed and went to the 11:50am showing of "Step Up" - in our sweatpants. Two reasons. One, it was comfy. Two, any guys that we would be interested in were probably not going to be seeing "Step Up" at noon on a Sunday. They're most likely still sleeping off the night before. It was a good movie. The acting was bad, the dancing was "eh", but Channing Tatum sure was nice to look at.
Today is my parents 30th wedding anniversary! How crazy is that? Congrats Mom and Dad! Love ya lots!
Finally, just a little pause to remember the horrific events of five years ago. I was driving to work listening to my local country station and they were talking about everything - it still really gets me all emotional. I'll never forget skipping class to sit at home watching TV with Daniella all day or waiting to hear if Troy was still deploying. They say this is the defining event of my generation - just like many people know where they were when JFK was shot, most of us can remember where we were when we heard about the September 11th attacks. It's a crazy world we live in. The only thing I can draw from it is while there are terrible people out there who do horrible things to innocent people, there are also amazingly brave and selfless people who will do anything to try to save a stranger. That's what we need to remember.
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