Now, with no further delay, the world famous In-N-Out costumes. Poor Lauren. She probably doesn't even know what In-N-Out is, yet Matt dresses her up...

I have to admit, it's a dang good costume. One I might snag for next year.
So today I voted, which was a pretty cool thing. This cute little old lady stuck one of those "I voted" stickers on my shirt and said "Young lady, you did good by God and your country". To tell you the truth, I felt a little patriotic.
Which quickly dissipated as I went to stand in line at the DMV. Let me tell you, that place scares me a little bit. First of all, why are all those people there at 9:30am? Don't they have jobs? Not all of them could possibly have flexible jobs like mine and no way can they all decide on the same day to go stand in line. Secondly, why do I always get sandwiched between they yucky/scary people? Today it was scary dude all in black wearing his sunglasses indoors (really? Is it that bright? You had better have some sort of eye condition if you're wearing them inside, in my humble opinion) and smelly smoker dude. Gentlemen, let me tell you that there is nothing sexy about a smokers cough or smelling like smoke. Nothing.
Finally, I got several new CDs today - Josh Groban's "Awake" (love it), Keith Urban's "Love, Pain and the whole crazy thing" (haven't listened to it yet) and Dave Matthews Band "Best of What's Around" (not really "new" - more like a greatest hits, however, there are some new live cuts that are pretty good). Yes, music makes me happy.
On that note, I'm off to bed.
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