Monday, February 13, 2012

Album Review: The Civil Wars "Barton Hollow"

Last night while watching the Grammys, I discovered a new band called The Civil Wars. I'm not entirely sure why I haven't already heard of them - I commute pretty far each day and listen to a good deal of music on the radio on country, R&B, pop and rock stations - I figured there wasn't much that I would have missed.

The group consists of two singer-songwriters, Joy Williams and John Paul White. Both of them have really great voices. I tried to do some research on them, but there is surprisingly little information on the internet. From the sounds of it, both have some very serious vocal training and it translates to absolutely beautiful tone and amazing harmonies.

The album is "a capella" - basically they have no percussion... all guitars, strings and voices. I really like it! I wish they would get picked up on mainstream radio!
Favorite songs: "Barton Hollow", "Poison & Wine", and "Dance Me To The End Of Love".

This is a must-buy album!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you found them! I think Barton Hollow is on the radio, but not in rotation like most (overplayed) stuff :)
