Saturday, February 11, 2012

Double Digits

Well, today I headed out bright and early to do my first double digit run. That's right, folks, today was 10 miles. It was a solo run because my sister was off enjoying the wonders of Vegas. For a self-proclaimed "hate-running-with-people" runner, I have to say, running alone today sucked. I did make friends with a very nice fellow runner lady around mile 4, who ran with me until my mile 5 turn around. I also saw an old friend from high school (Hi April!) who was having her own fun 8 miler with the Fleet Feet Training Team.

Today's run felt really good at the beginning, which is odd because that's usually when I feel the worst. Miles 1-6 felt great and then I hit some sort of wall around mile 6.5. My tummy started acting up and for a minute I wondered if I was even going to get back to the car. I blame my new Cytomax. As I mentioned a couple posts ago, I've converted to Cytomax as my training drink. I committed the other day and bought the big jug of powder at REI... and followed the directions precisely this morning to mix it - 2 scoops to 1 water bottle full of water. Not right. Not even a little. It went from being this wonderful nectar as I ran last week to tasting like I was sucking down pure Tang powder. I think this might have had something to do with today's tummy troubles. Note to self #1: dilute Cytomax next week.
This Is What Ten Miles Looks Like
I seriously wonder what I need to do to make sure I don't turn so red when I run. I felt fine, but people always look at me like "Are you ok?". I made the mistake of climbing right in the car without doing a ton of stretching because I was eager to get home to my boys... I felt perfectly fine until I tried to actually get out of the car when I got home. Note to self #2: more stretching.

All in all, it was a great training run because I was able to push myself past some obstacles and I was able to do it alone. My final time was 1 hour, 35 minutes, which equates to 9 minute 30 second miles. Now I'm off to have some lunch and maybe take my second nap of the day.

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