Thursday, March 1, 2012

Raindrops Falling On My Head

I've officially been training for a couple months now. This last week has been a really rough one. No, the mileage is not getting to me, in fact, it's been one of the lowest mileage weeks of the few months. My hips have been sore. I've been making good use of the foam roller and a bunch of my friends have shared with me some great hip stretches. I've just sort of lost my motivation and excitement about it. I'm hoping that the half marathon next weekend will bring back some of that lost motivation - otherwise it's going to be a long three months to San Diego.

This morning I woke up with a little bit of a headache and the rain pounding on my roof, so in a rare moment of weakness, I stayed snuggled in bed. I took a couple extra rest days last week as well to help with my hip (they really did help!). I felt a little guilty, so I packed by running stuff to take to work with the intention of doing my five mile run at lunch time.

It was pouring down rain at lunch.

I ran anyway.

I'm really proud of myself. I am noticing that the less I do on the treadmill, the better my hips feel... there's something about that very repetitive step that just kills me, especially when I get up to longer distances. I really did feel great to run in the rain today. There was something almost childish about it - like it was forbidden and everyone thought I was crazy. The thing I really liked was that I stayed cool (did I mention that this has been a very cold weather storm) and most of the run felt really great. I was completely drenched when I came back to the office and got a lot of weird looks, but it was totally worth it!

Maybe my running mojo is coming back already!

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