Monday, March 5, 2012

Staycation Day 3

Let me start with how I'm ending my day... with the most fantastic bath ever. Shadow wanted in on the fun, so I had to give him a bone to keep him occupied. I don't think he would actually climb in, but he would definitely keep coming over to poke me.
Shadow And The Tub
Here's the tub after the removal of the dog and the lighting of most of the candles. I gave up after one wall sconce because our lighter is dead and I was tired of lighting matches.
I used my Philosophy "Milkman" bath gel... the stuff smells like chocolate. It was fantastic. I seriously thank God every time I take a bath for giving my husband the inspiration to add this sucker to the house before he had a wife. It has jets too, but I've been warned not to use them if I have bubble bath in there.

The rest of today was pretty mellow - we hung out around the house, read a lot (I made it though another Alphabet Series mystery book) and took a nap.
I did a "pen inspection" this afternoon - every so often I do a walk around Shadow's pen to make sure the fence is still intact and that nothing is funky. I found this helium filled balloon that floated into the bottom corner of the pen...
It's not often that you find a penis "blow me" balloon in your dog's yard...

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