Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Whatever

I have to admit, I have no idea what all this "Occupy Insert-Your-City's-Name-Here" stuff is. So, I did a Google search on "Occupy Wall Street" since this was the first one that I had heard about. It's actually really hard to find a single place that tells you exactly what these people are protesting, but from what I can find, they are protesting the difference in wealth between the top 1% and all the other remaining citizens in the United States. They've come up with the catchy slogan "We are the 99%".
And just to show how completely uninformed the masses are, according to the National Review, many, if not most of the Wall Street bankers that are being protested against by the Occupy Wall Street movement actually fall into the 99%.

I'm sure that somewhere, there are more details about what these people are protesting, but from what I gather, they're basically complaining because some people are rich and others are not.

News flash: the United States is built on captialism. That means that some people will have more than others. It's competitive. Someone will almost always have more than you (unless you're Carlos Slim or Bill Gates) and it's likely that someone will always have less. Deal with it. If you don't like your economic situation, get an education, get a better job and work harder. There are jobs to be had out there. They may not be your dream job, but it will put food on the table until you can find one that you like. I just don't understand the mentality of standing on a sidewalk yelling about how it's not fair. Seriously, are we all five years old?

I know that I have been very fortunate to have parents who paid for college and to get a good job. That said, I saw plenty of people who had the very same opportunities and squandered it. I worked my butt off for what I have and I don't expect anyone to hand me anything. I continue to be amazed a the portion of our country that is content to complain about how they don't have enough and no one is helping them. HELP YOURSELF!

If you have any more details about this crazy protest, leave a comment... I'd love to find out that they have some great cause that is just not being publicized.

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