Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's Official!

First of all, welcome to my new blog! I figured new name, new blog needed. I'm still working on moving the old blog over, but this will be the permanent home of "Down The Road I Go".

Well, it's official! We're married! I can't believe how quickly the day flew by (as everyone said it would) or how wonderful it feels to be married! I seriously look at Mike every day and say "Holy crap, we're married!". It was a really long day and I can't believe how tired we were by the end of it.

I'll post some pictures as soon as I have more. It seems that not a lot of people took pics - which means everyone was busy having fun, so we'll have to wait for the professional ones. For now, I have this one:
Mr. & Mrs. Blankenheim!
I will follow this up with a honeymoon recap as soon as I have a little more time. We had an amazing, relaxing time! For now, Mike and I are super happy to be nesting - we spent almost all of today cleaning and organizing our kitchen with all of the cool new stuff we got. I can't wait to get cooking!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Yiipeee! Hoorah! Love the new blog & looking forward to hearing more about your newlywed life!
