Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meghann & Bryan's Wedding

Yesterday Mike and I went to our eighth and final wedding of the year - my good friend Meghann from both high school and Choral Society got married!

Mr. & Mrs. Stedman!
The wedding was absolutely beautiful - it was held at the Forest House Lodge in Foresthill. The ceremony was held outside in the courtyard and while the weather was cool, it completely cooperated (translation: no rain!). Meghann was an absolutely beautiful bride - I think my two favorite parts of her ensemble were the super sparkly veil and her cool red heels!

They went with a fall theme and had very similar colors to the ones Mike and I had. Seriously, how do you pass up those beautiful fall colors? Their tables were named after trees and the favor was a glass with the Foresthill Bridge (the tallest bridge in California - also Bryan is a civil engineer) and their names etched on it. Each of the glasses had your name on a leaf telling you which table you were at:
Favors/Escort Cards
Centerpieces/Table Names
It was a beautiful wedding and we had a wonderful time! Congratulations Meghann and Bryan!

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