Sunday, July 17, 2005

New Feature!

Hi everyone!

We have a new feature - the "Movie Reviews" Forum has replaced the poll. I'll add the poll back in as needed, but I think the movie forum will be much more fun, at least for now. Here's how to use it... please feel free to email me with any questions!

To Read Posts:
1. Click on "Enter My Forum" (from the main blog page).
2. Towards the middle of the page you will see where the messages are posted. The first one should be titled "Swing Kids" (I copied my review from my last post as an example).
3. Click on the title.
4. If you would like to reply to the post (give your feedback, etc) click reply, otherwise click forum to return to the main page.

To Create a Post:
1. Click on "Enter My Forum" (from the main blog page).
2. In the very center you will see a button that says "Post". Click it.
3. Put your name and the subject. DO NOT enter your email address, instant messenger, etc. I do not want that information posted. Type your message (you can use the smilies at the bottom as well) and click "post message" at the bottom. You can also preview it.

I'd like to keep it one thread (a thread is a string of posts related to the same subject) per movie. So if there's already one started about a movie that you'd like to write about, please "reply" instead of starting a new thread.

I'm really excited to debut this... please feel free to email/post your feedback on this!

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