On Monday night we went to visit Oma after stopping at the sports store to make sure I had my triathlon suit. Adam found this really great bike that he proceeded to ride around the store:

The concert itself was absolutely amazing! When we got there a couple guys were outside protesting - saying that we were all heathens and going to hell or something like that. I figure, if God is going to smite me for going to a Madonna concert, at least I'll go out with some good music in the background... it's a SHOW!!!! Holy cow. People will protest just about anything it seems.
Thank goodness I was with Adam, Eva, Catherine and Dori who have all attended past Madonna concerts. I would have been sitting in my seat for an hour twiddling my fingers. Apparently it's known among Madonna concertgoers that she starts her show an hour late. Always. And what an appearance it was! She came out in a gigantic mirrored disco ball! It was awesome! From there it was non-stop dancing for the next two hours. Dancing, jumping and singing! When Madonna says jump, darn it, you jump! We seriously had the best time! We had nosebleed "backstage" passes... and they were a blast! We were able to see some of the action behind the stage which was neat too! Here's Adam and Eva rocking out:

By the way, Eva, I'm listening to "I Love New York" as I write this. The 'get off of my street' part just came on and I busted out our dance moves! :)
I was so sad to go back to work today and to leave Adam and Eva's house... I had the best time!!!
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