Saturday, December 30, 2006


So it's not 100% yet (the seller still needs to sign the paper and send it back), but it looks like I've found my new house! We've gone through several days of offers and counter-offers before settling on a nice price for me. I'm so excited and so happy! I'll give more details as soon as I can - I should hear tomorrow as to the finalization of everything. Once that happens, we go into the 14 days of loans, appraisals and inspections! If all is well with that stuff, I'll be handed the keys at 5:00pm on Friday, January 26th! This is such a dream come true for me - I've worked so long and hard for this! It's totally scary and exciting all at once! I'm exhausted but excited! With those few contradictions said, I'm off to bed. Good night to all!

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