Here's my lovely car window at 11:30pm on Sunday night:

On to happier things. Well, sort of. A week or so before the big performances, I got sick. Go figure. I had gone since February without feeling so much as slightly sick to drop dead sinus infection. I tried to talk and think my way out of it, but, alas, I was definitely sick. I even stayed home from work! I managed to get it all pulled together for production week and the shows went off without a hitch. I was so excited that Adam, Eva and Oma could all make it along with almost my entire church choir! I'm so touched that everyone took time out of their Saturday night to listen to a little music! The shows were awesome - honestly, the Christmas show is one of my favorites. I love the audience sing along because it's so amazing to hear and entire theatre singing back to you!
I did manage to make it back to the pool today. I'm contemplating masters swimming, although I'm not sure if I'm ready for the time commitment. I just like the idea of having coaches (makes working out so much easier) and potentially being able to do some races (it's been forever, and I won't necessarily go back into full blown competitive mode, but maybe just one every now and then). I definitely need to get back into shape, and that might be the way to go. I'll probably wait until after I get the house to get that all worked out.
Finally, to my dear friend, the anonymous commenter (freedom of speech is great, isn't it?). Please know I meant no harm in my last post. Having lived in San Diego for 7 years, I made friends with many Latino people (according to the 2000 US Census, those of the Hispanic/Latino race actually do outnumber other races in San Diego and other cities close to the boarder). And you do tend to find the best authentic Mexican food in our great state (try finding it in Georgia... I'm not kidding). That said, I'm quite sorry if I offended you - in no way were my statements meant to be taken as anything other than a lighthearted joke.
Good night!
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