Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Construction Workers SUCK!

So who in their right mind thinks it's ok to be moving heavy machinery in a residential neighborhood at 6:15am!?! And for God's sake, turn the damn beepy thing off or stop driving up and down the street backwards!!! And finally, don't park outside my window and congregate with all of your other construction worker buddies to chat. I can hear you and I'm trying to sleep! @&%!

It's been an interesting few weeks with the road work going on here. I can't quite figure out the method to their madness... they've repaved patches of the street, but have left others all torn up by the bulldozers. Now, maybe it's just my organized mind, but I would have started at one end and paved to the other until I was finished. The way it is now, you'll be driving down the road and it's all smooth. Then all the sudden you hit this drop in the pavement (I'm not kidding - it's 2-3 inches) that feels like you've just run something over. Then you're back on bumpy road. Scares the crap out of you if you're driving home and not really paying attention to the road (and I mean that in the sense that you're focused on driving, just not expecting that kind of jolt).

Sorry I've been a slacker posting as of late. It's not for any great reason other than I've been busy and lazy. It's an interesting combo, I assure you. I promise to blog more often from now on! :)

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