Sunday, March 4, 2012

Staycation Days 1 & 2

Well, yesterday marked the first day of my vacation and the first day of my first every "staycation". I am taking an EMT refresh course in order to recertify (you have to recert every 2 years). The class consists of 3 Saturdays of reviewing the different disease processes and working on hands on skills. That basically took up most of my Saturday.

Today was a  pretty busy day. I started off with a solo 12 mile run since my sister is home sick. I headed down to the Mokelume River to do my run since it was close to home and gave me a little more recovery time between "appointments" today. I actually felt pretty good for most of the run - the last mile felt really looooong. I headed home to torture myself with use the foam roller. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of foam rolling, here's the definition in a nutshell:
"It is accomplished by rolling the foam roller under each muscle group until a tender area is found, and maintaining pressure on the tender area for 30–60 seconds."
Yeah, that basically reads: "it's meant to hurt". On the upside, I think it is actually helping. I took a quick shower and nap after that and then headed out for the second part of my day. I headed down to Sacramento to participate in the C.E.R.T. We work a lot of larger distance events (the airshow, half marathons, etc) and have found that having EMTs on bikes has been really helpful. We had to do an agility course (cones, circles at low speeds, curb jumps, etc) and a 3 mile ride in under 18 minutes. All in all, it was a good little exercise, but I just had a really hard time getting into it because I was pooped from the run.

I decided to treat myself to some delicious frozen yogurt on the way home from the bike trials - we have a Big Spoon in Jackson now, and it was pretty yummy! Apparently when I run I have the appetite of a four year old because I couldn't get enough chocolate chips, sprinkles and hot fudge. Ok, maybe that's all the time.
Big Spoon. Yum.
Tonight we're just hanging out - Mike is getting over the stomach flu (yuck!) so we're doing mellow dinners (pancakes for me, grilled cheese for him) and catching up on some shows we have taped on the DVR. I tried the foam roller again this afternoon and discovered that it hurts even more now than it did this morning. That's good, right?

Tomorrow is a very important part of my staycation. I have dubbed it lazy Monday because I have ever intention of not leaving the house. I figure I need one of those on my staycation, and it might as well be at the beginning!

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