Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Cody and I were almost viciously murdered tonight. Ok, maybe I'm being a little dramatic.

When I got home for the gym, I felt bad for the dog, since he hadn't had the chance to run on a treadmill. So I settled for taking him for a walk. He was so excited to be going and practically drug me down the sidewalk. About halfway through, we get to this open area. This mangy looking dog comes up to us. I'm looking around for his owner (DEFINITELY a "he"). Nowhere to be found. No leash. He comes up and takes an aggressive stance with Cody and then starts sniffing and jumping at him. Keep in mind, it's dark and I have no idea what to do. All I could think about was getting Cody away from him. This dog was scary looking, like a mix between a pit bull and a lab. Very beefy but unkempt looking. So I'm trying to back away and get myself between Cody and the other dog (yes, in hindsight I understand that this is a bad move - but I really just wanted to protect him!). I'm stomping at him and yelling "no" and "stay" and "sit". All while pulling Cody away. The dog would let us walk a little then circle around. So I'm yelling and stomping and trying to get away. Cody, bless his little heart, is following my commands - he's stopping, sitting and staying. *sigh* Well trained dog. At this point, I'm panicked, so I call my mom who jumps in the car to come find me. Finally I make it to the edge of the little park area and have put some distance between me and the big ugly dog. At this point I tell Cody to run and we take off together, running for about a block before mom got to us. SO SCARY. I don't know what I would have done... I was trying to get Cody's leash off the whole time because I didn't want him to get tangled up if he had to fight... and the sweet little thing is just trying to sit and stay because I'm yelling it in a firm voice.

Moral of the story - keep your freaky, mangy, scary dogs locked up and/or on a leash!

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