Sunday, August 7, 2011

Conclusion to the Nature Experiment

Well, I waited a whole week only to discover that the only things in the forest that eat defrosted squid are the neighbor's dog and vultures. It was a little bit disappointing, but at least now we know!

We did get one brave deer that was willing to walk past the stinking pile of squid to make his photogenic debut:
Is Anyone In There?
We also had 12 pictures of the neighbor's dog (alone and off leash, I might add) doing I don't know what to it. The neighbor must wonder why his dog keeps coming home smelling like fish when we live no where near a body of water...
One Smelly Dog!
Finally, I got to see some vultures up close and personal. When we went down to retrieve the memory stick, there were a couple still hanging around - they're huge!!!
Two Vultures
Flying Vulture
Yup, this confirmed that they're pretty much the most disgusting creatures on the planet. Must suck to have your only marketable skill be to be able to find dead things. They (along with the snake) really must have pissed God off somehow...

So that concludes my back yard experiment - pretty much only vultures and dogs will eat nasty, decomposing squid. We've also learned that mountain lions apparently don't enjoy seafood...

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