Monday, April 17, 2006

Driving Stereotypes

So today on my way to and from work I did some research on the different types of drivers out there.
  1. The Commercial Driver. This guy is all business. He's not only speeding, but feels free to swerve across lanes without using a blinker on his big truck because he knows he can squish your car in a heartbeat.
  2. The Nose Picker. You can substitute "wiper", "scratcher" or whatever you'd like in there. We know it was a pick and we definitely saw it. For some reason this guy (or gal) thinks that being in a car makes you invisible.
  3. The Cell Phone Talker. I have to admit, most of these are women. There are a few men out there (see "The Business Man") but a majority of this goes to the X Chromosome. This person is generally on her cell phone with the front mirror down putting on her makeup. This is an excellent chance to test your defensive driving skills.
  4. The Singer/Wheel Banger. On a warm, sunny day, this person will have their windows down and will sing at the top of their lungs. They may or may not bang on the steering wheel as if they were drummers. This picturesque scene is even more fun to watch when the windows are up and you can't hear what they're singing along to.
  5. The Stalker. This person pulls up next to you and you turn your head (almost as a reflex). Every time you look over, you catch them staring at you. At every light.
  6. The Business Man. Generally there is a cell phone involved with this one (see "The Cell Phone Talker"). This is generally a guy who thinks he owns the road. He'll be in a nice suit and most likely a really nice car. He'll proceed to cut you off or make some stupid driving mistake and then will have the nerve to glare (or honk) at you! Just because you have a nice car doesn't mean you own the road.
  7. The Swerver. You'd swear they were drunk, but they're too unpredictable for even that! For some reason this person can't stay in their lane. Or the lane next to them. Or the lane next to that. The worst, however, is when they only swerve a little bit and keep making you swerve. It's contagious!
  8. The Braker. This person feels it's necessary to break when a leaf blows across the road. There could be miles of open highway and for some reason this person will still tap those brake lights.
  9. The Racers. This is not what you think. Picture this. You're on a road with two lanes in each direction. The guy in front of you is doing 10 miles under the speed limit and you're already 15 minutes late to work. You change over to the slow lane only to find that the person there is going 9.99 miles under the speed limit. Every now and then they speed up j u s t a l i t t l e b i t, but only enough to barely catch up. Makes you want to risk driving into incoming traffic, doesn't it?!
  10. The Stop Light Sitter. This person will somehow manage to sit at a green light until RIGHT before it turns red. Then they'll zoom through the intersection and live you to sit waiting for the light to turn green again (this generally happens at the longest lights in the world).
Feel free to leave a comment by clicking the "number of comments" button below and letting us know what type of driver you are. Also, feel free to add on to the types of drivers if I've missed any.

I am a singer/wheel banger almost every time I'm in the car, and I confess, on occasion, to being a cell phone talker. However, I just purchased the wireless headset to go with my phone, so I'm getting much better at that!

Today's Triathlon Training:
Biking: 4 miles

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