Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wedding Dress Shopping

Yesterday was definitely a big day... Mom, Kati and I braved the rain to go wedding dress shopping. Finally it was my turn! :) This was a pretty amazing experience. I honestly never really gave much thought to what my dress would look like before now. I went into the store with some ideas, having looked through a bunch of bridal magazines. They say that when you put "the" dress on, you just know. So the first few dresses that I tried on, I walked out and thought "could this be the one?". On dress number five, I KNEW. It's hard to say what exactly it was, but everything about it was perfect. I felt like a princess. I went to lunch with Mom and Kati and then we went to a different shop to try on some other dresses, but I kept comparing them to my dress (even Mom and Kati were calling it "my dress"... definitely a sign!).

The whole dress shopping experience was a lot of fun for a couple different reasons. First of all, it was just awesome to spend the day with my mom and my sister. Secondly, it was really fun to be treated like a princess. I got to try on some of the most beautiful dresses that I've ever seen in my life. How often does that happen?

Oh, and one other thing. My mom picked the dress. Yup, she picked it and I love it!

In case you're wondering, no, I'm not going to describe the dress or post pictures. I want to make sure that Mike is absolutely stunned the day of our wedding and so I need to make sure that there is no evidence for him to stumble across! I can't wait for him to see it!

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