Thursday, June 16, 2011

Catching Up

Well, I've been pretty bad at blogging lately. Life has been super busy!

The bike ride on Sunday went really well... we did just over 19 miles and had a fantastic time! I didn't fall over in the clips, but did have a near miss. I had unclipped my left foot, put my weight down and got a cramp in my hip. In trying to stretch it, I started to lean to the right, forgetting that my right foot was still clipped in. It was almost like slow motion - suddenly the horizon just started to tilt. Fortunately, Mike was on my right side and caught me. But I had the best time - it was so nice to be out in the sun and riding with my boy!

On Tuesday I finished my last biofeedack class. For those of you who don't remember, back in April I started a biofeedback class at Kaiser. Over the last couple months I've had several sessions, where I've learned that I carry a lot of my stress in my neck and shoulders, which contributes to my migraines. Part of the idea behind the biofeedback is to be able to recognize what that stress feels like and then be able to relax it. When I started, my shoulders were at a 20 (don't ask me what the levels are). By my last session on Tuesday, I had it down to an 8! Big progress - in fact, I haven't had any truly bad migraines in about a month. Ironically, I ended up with one on Tuesday, but I'm 99% sure that was caused by my horrible allergies. Can it please just be hot for like a week so that all of this grass dies off? I'm trying a new allergy medicine - hopefully it helps!

Finally, I got a new purse! Those of you that follow me on Facebook probably saw my post office rant earlier this week. Here's the deal. I ordered this purse on and paid to have it shipped overnight. The mail carrier didn't even bother to come up to my house to try to deliver it - he just put the little "sign me and I'll bring your package later" slip in my mailbox. Apparently, it's the price I pay for having moved to a smallish town. The slip said to head to the post office between 7:30am and 4:30pm, so I dropped by before work. The posted hours on the post office were 9am to 4:30pm - not exactly helpful for those of us who work between those hours. Finally, a woman from the post office called me and agreed to stay late so that I could come pick my purse up. Without further ado:
My New Purse!
Yup, it's Coach. Apparently I've developed an obsession. It's very summery (I love the light blue leather handles and ties on the side!) and fits all of my stuff. Yay!

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