Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Leaf Thief

This weekend Dad raked and raked and raked to get all of the leaves cleaned up in the front yard. He had about 8 of those big Hefty plastic trash bags filled. We have a service through the city that will come and pick them up for you if you call and leave them on the curb. So, when I left for work yesterday morning, there were 8 big old bags lined up on the curb. Fast forward to 5:00. I came home and as I'm pulling up, notice that there are only three bags left.

Can anyone guess the first thought to race through my mind in light of recent events?

A leaf thief.

For that brief 30 second period I was fully convinced that someone stole 5 fifty pound bags of leaves. I'm not kidding. I thought "Holy crap, the people who broke into my car came back today. Since my car was gone they stole our leaves." Then I thought "You idiot. Why would anyone steal leaves?" As it turns out, the wimpy city dude decided that these three bags were too heavy, so he left them. But honestly, I was convinced we had a thief on our hands.

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