Saturday, February 25, 2006

What a Day!

Today had to have been one of the most productive days I've had in a while. I'm definitely feeling better now! I ran errands this morning, washed my car (as in got out the bucket and hose - this hasn't been done in FOREVER), got my oil changed, went to the gym and spend an hour laying in the sun reading. It was so fantastic!

Ok, I have to send a shout out to dear Mateo. He told me about this program called Trillian (Eva, it's a lot like the one you use on Mac) that connects you to all of your instant messaging tools through one interface. So, for example, I use MSN, AOL and Yahoo!. That means three different connections, three different programs to learn. Instead, Trillian connects you and you just use one interface. VERY cool!

Finally, tonight I went to the movies with Kelly. We saw "When A Stranger Calls". I guess I need to be a little more careful when selecting movies, as all I saw was "thriller". We got excited thinking we were going to see a really scary movie. As it turns out, it's a PG-13 thriller, which sort of changes things. First of all, the movie itself was a little "eh". But the most interesting part was our fellow movie viewers. You see, Kelly and I were surrounded by the 13 and under crowd. They were a little rowdy, throwing popcorn, talking really loud, moving around a lot. In fact, they actually had to bring security into the theatre to keep them in check. That's right, a security guard who sat there for the whole movie watching for troublemakers. Talk about entertainment!

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