Saturday, February 4, 2006

She's Alive!

So after two days of blending in with the sofa, I finally feel like I'm not going to die. Wow. It came on sudden, it came on hard, and it took me out. "It" being a double whammy consisting of a sinus infection and bronchitis. No fun. The worst part was going to the doctor on Thursday. I get in there and I'm coughing up a lung. I pay my copay and the nurse hands me one of those masks that doctors wear when they're going into surgery. I look at her and ask what it's for. She said that since they didn't know what I had, I needed to wear it while I was in the waiting room. I look around and no one else has one on. But, being the public health servant that I am, I place the little straps over my ears and wear it. I sit down and notice that everyone else is on the complete opposite side of the waiting room - probably because I look like I have ebola or SARS. I sit there and fog up my glasses (couldn't get the darn thing to not let all the hot air go up onto my glasses) and cough (the hot air irritated my throat) and pretty much feel like an outcast. All in the name of public safety. Fortunately, I didn't have anything super contagious or deadly. They gave me a breathing treatment, a decongestant, and some antibiotics and sent me on my way.

I have to say, the good thing about being confined to the sofa for two days is that I made it through the entire second season of "24". I am seriously in love with that show!

Today I woke up finally feeling much better. Thank goodness, because I was beginning to get a little grumpy. :)

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl! As always, I will be watching and this year I'm cheering for the underdogs - the Seattle Seahawks. Woot! Of course, we all know it's not about the game, it's about the ADS! Eva was kind enough to send me my ad score card so I will be able to keep track and then vote. Simply go to and print your score sheet. After the game, you just log on and vote for your favorites - it's that simple. Remember, while it seems like the Super Bowl is about football, it's ACTUALLY about the ads and the food!

Only 5 more days until Singathon 2006! Keep the pledges coming!

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