Saturday, January 9, 2010


No, not the sport. Today we started work on the fence that we're building up at Mike's house. Specifically, "Shadow's fence". We're closing off an area to let him run free and frolic. I can't wait. Honestly, I'm so super excited about it. I can't wait to watch him run around and just be able to be free without crappy neighbor dogs barking their heads off at him!

Keep in mind, I've never built a fence in my life. I take that back, Dad and I did put up the little white picket fence for my vegetable garden, but that didn't involve cement and lots of pounding. That's right. Cement. Fortunately, Mike's buddy Mark came over and the two of them did most of the work. I tried to help but ended up being the water girl. Which is ok by me, I suppose. Today we got the four corner posts cemented in as well as the post for the gate. Tomorrow (and probably next weekend) we'll be pounding in the 40 t-posts that run along the sides. Then it's time to hang the actual fence and the gate. After that, Shadow is a free dog!

I'm still fighting off this cold... that said, it's amazing to only have a cold. I asked Mike yesterday - "Is this what it's like for normal people to get sick?". I'm stuffy and have a little cough, but really don't feel terrible. I've noticed the energy level is down, but I've been napping and trying to go to bed early. I just don't feel like I did last time I was sick (thank God because I don't know if I could handle being that sick again just yet!). Here's to hoping that I get better soon!

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