Friday, January 22, 2010

Sunshine, I Miss You

I have never been one of those people that complains much about the weather because, typically, when it's winter, I'm digging the rain and when it's summer, I'm all about the lake. Today is one of those exceptions. It has been doing nothing but raining for the last week. Yes, just about seven straight days. At first, I was super excited... I mean, we've had some serious rain storms. Mike put out a little jug on Sunday to make our own little rain gauge... as of last night, we had about four to five inches of water in it. I woke up today to snow. Yeah, honest to God snow. Even the news didn't see this one coming (and come on, they're always correct with the weather, right?). I fell asleep listening to the lovely pitter patter of rain and woke to a frosty blanket. Normally, this would not bother me (I'm like a two year old kid with snow...), but I had a meeting to get to this morning, so it would have been a bad day to get stranded. Fortunately, someone out there thought ahead and the snow plow dude came by at like 5am.

Before I go any further, let me state for the record that the only shoes I had with me were boots with three inch heels.

Mike was sweet enough to realize that in three inch boots, there's no way I could wrangle my dog up an icy driveway, so he grabbed Shadow and held my hand all the way up. I made it all the way up to my car, where Mike let go of my hand.

I promptly wiped out.

Completely bit it.

Flat on my butt.

Well, my hip and elbow. Apparently, there's some built in mechanism in me that makes me twist mid-air to save my Coach purse from hitting the icy ground. It's all about priorities, people. If you remember back to my blogs from Europe and the "Great Fall in Greece", you'll remember that when I fall, I laugh my head off. So this morning, it's 6am, I'm lying in the mushy, icy wet, laughing my head off. Poor Mike laughed right along with me.

I think I'm gonna live (my left hip and elbow disagree), but it was definitely not my favorite start to a Friday. Thank God tomorrow is Saturday!!!

Sunshine, I really do miss you. I can't wait for summer!

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