Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trial by Fencing

Well, that didn't work out how I had it planned out in my head... I had envisioned Shadow frolicking inside his new fenced in area, happy as can be. This morning, Mike and I put him outside and he proceeded to sit at the gate and bark like a crazy dog at the house. I peeked out the window and he was out... as in roaming freely. Those of you who know me and know my dog know that we don't do the roaming freely thing. As it turns out, there was a little gap under the gate. Shadow figured out that if he shoved his head under and grabbed it with his teeth, he could get out. Fail for Mike and I.

We then made a little trip to Lowe's to get some gate latches and another pole. We thought we had the gate fixed... until Shadow figured out that he could dig his way out. So we fixed that by putting some rocks along the base. Shadow then determined that he could get his paws around the rocks and pull them towards him. Fail again.

Our final effort (and by final I mean Mike was fixing it while I was inside telling the dog that I didn't care any more if he escaped and ran away to join the circus) was to bury the rocks and then roll a log in front of the gate. I suppose you could call it a victory for us... if by victory you meant that the dog couldn't get out, but he could now stand at the gate and bark at the house for two hours. Apparently he just REALLY wants to be with his people!

That said, all of that mental stimulation worked... he's passed out on the floor next to me right now!

Tonight we went out with Mike's family (~25 people!) to celebrate Nancy and Ray's 40th wedding anniversary... seriously, 40 years! That's so amazing to me! It was a blast... we did appies at Charlie and Sheri's house, followed by dinner at the Union Inn and then dessert at Mike's grandmas house. It was a fantastic evening!

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