Thursday, August 11, 2005


Explain parking to me. Why do people not understand how to do it? I have two problems with the way that other people park, both of which happened to me today. After work I went by Safeway to get some groceries for dinner. I pull down the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the aisle, driving THE RIGHT WAY DOWN THE ROAD and some jerky business man (don't get me going on them... see today's song of the day "Nobody Else in the World But You") comes speeding from the other direction and honks at me because he wanted to make a sharp turn instead of turning the same width that us mere mortals have to. First of all, drive on your side! Secondly, don't honk at me! I wasn't doing anything wrong! Third, STOP SPEEDING! I admit, I have a little bit of a lead foot, but for God's sake you're in a PARKING LOT!

When I came out of the store the second pet peeve happened to me. This one is much worse. Some person parked their big ass SUV in the compact space. Next to the drivers side of my car. Not only could I not get between the cars, but then I had to look like an idiot climbing in through the passenger side. I looked like I was breaking into my own car. ALL YE OWNERS OF LARGE CARS:


I don't care that you're in a hurry or that the big ones are further away. You knew that when you got a big car!

Thank God tomorrow is Friday. I'm out...

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