Sunday, August 28, 2005

The State Fair

So today we went to the state fair. It was definitely a lot of fun, although I was a little disappointed compared to recent years. I think it might have had to do with the heat and all, but still...

This year was a "Let's Go To the Beach" year, so the theme was surfer. Very cool. We went to the hall that showed all of the beach and surf history, and took some cute pictures.

Anyways, there was lots of neat stuff to see. We went to the horses (of course) and got to see a couple of trick riding shows. Let me tell you, they do some cool stuff... I would be very afraid to be hanging upside down on a horse while it's trotting! Then we watched a show where they showed off a couple of the different breeds of horse. Mom LOVED the Lipizzaners and I loved the Arabian (see picture below). Seriously, I really want a horse. It's now second on my list, with a house being first, but trust me, I will definitely have one in my lifetime.

One of the coolest things that we saw was the Motocross freestyle jumping. OMG. Amazing. We were actually attracted to it on our way out - we were walking past some bleachers when we heard an engine rev, looked up and saw a guy ABOVE the bleachers almost letting go of his bike. It was amazing... they were doing these tricks with 250 pound bikes and it always looked like they weren't going to land it, yet somehow they did!

It was a long HOT day, and we ended up staying for just over 7 hours, which is a family record. The best part of the day (besides the horses)? The cinnamon rolls. Oh my God. Yum. Kati, I don't care what they have back east, it doesn't beat the State Fair cinnamon rolls. SO GOOD. Lots of cream cheese frosting. Mmmm. That was after my lunch of BBQ'd corn on the cob and a sausage sandwich. I swear, it seems like I go to the fair to eat... if it hadn't been so hot, I probably would have had a hurricane and a funnel cake.

Speaking of hurricanes, I'd like to insert a brief moment of silence here for the people of New Orleans.

*one minute of silence*
I can't believe that in just 6 hours or so, New Orleans will probably be in some serious trouble. For those of you not following, the city sits 6 feet below sea level and is about to take a direct hit from a Category 5 hurricane. That adds up to about 12-15 feet of water throughout the entire city. Not to mention the winds... I hate to see such a beautiful place destroyed... we had a fantastic time there a few years ago and I'm glad I had the chance to see it. I guess we'll all see how things went when we wake up tomorrow morning!
Well, that's it for now. See below for some cool pictures from the fair!

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