Thursday, August 25, 2005

Things That Bug Me Part Deux

Remember this one?! :)

1. Jealous people. I can't stand people who are jealous. Helllloooooo, the grass is always greener on the other side. Contrary to popular belief, most people's lives aren't perfect, even those people that you are jealous of. And if they're doing well, great for them. Don't bring them down just because you are unhappy!

2. Long talkers. OMG. Say what you have to say and be done. It's fine to be long winded when you're talking to friends or having a nice chat with your family. But at work, let's be short and sweet. If I can cover three things in the time it takes you to do one that is of equal importance, something is wrong. Say it and shut up. We have other things to do.

3. Annoying laughs. Do people who sound like idiots laughing know they have annoying laughs? Someone needs to tell them...

4. The guy who goes slow in the fast lane. I'm just reiterating. Here in the great state of California we have two lanes going most directions. If you're going slow, MOVE OVER!

5. Fresh Basil. I had a hard time finding it at the store tonight and looked stupid in front of the cute produce guy. It blended in with all the other leafy green herbs!

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