Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hooray for Basketball!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Sacramento Kings Basketball has begun.

So we got our butts kicked. It's only preseason, so that doesn't matter anyway.

And Rick Adelman has decided to become a pimp. He wore this silver jacket that made everyone thing something was wrong with their TVs. Seriously, the thing was weird. It made it look like little lines were moving across your screen every time he turned. Not sure what was going through his head on that one!

I have a much more important announcement.

Mike Bibby has decided to step up and lead the team. For those of you who don't follow Kings basketball, Bibby has the skills to be a leader. He's always lacked on very important thing. He couldn't speak.

*drum roll please*

This summer, Mike Bibby learned to talk. Yes, he spoke before, but now, we can understand him! It's coherent! Now he can lead! It wasn't that he didn't want to before, it was just that the other guys on the team couldn't understand him! They interviewed him and my head snapped around. It's like a whole new person!

So the team actually looks good for this year - we a have a lot of new people, but if everyone stays healthy, we should be doing all right. On a side note, they did a half time special on the team and showed a little ritual they do every year. They all get ready to come running out of the tunnel at the beginning of this first game. They tell the rookies that they get to run up front. Then, when the music cues, the rookies go running out - all by themselves. The veterans are just standing in the tunnel laughing. It's pretty funny to watch!

On that happy note, I'm going to take off my Bibby jersey and go to bed. Good night!

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