Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Poop, Broken Bones and "The Trade"

Let's get right to it.

So today I took Cody for a walk when I got home from work. We went on our normal 1 1/2 mile route, which isn't too bad. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I reached the last stretch of road before our house. You see, it straightens out and you can see all the way down the street. So I notice that about 4 blocks ahead of me is a girl walking what appeared to be a Rottie or Lab. Something big and dark. A few steps later I started to smell poop. So I stop and check my feet. Nothing there. I walk a few more steps and stop to check Cody's feet. Nothing there. We keep walking and I keep smelling it. We cross a court and I look down and see GIGANTIC dog poop in the middle of the street. Seriously, a gargantuan pile of GREEN dog poop. HUGE poop. I'm a little grossed out at this point, but I figure, hey, the dog had a little accident in the middle of the street. So I keep walking. We get across the street and notice that for the next 10 feet there a little logs. Of green poop. I really can't figure it out. Was she dragging him along while he was going? Did he try and fool her? Weird.

In other news, I'm pretty sure I broke my hand. I smacked it on the corner of the dresser right smack in the middle on the back of my hand (yeah, that spot where your bones are pretty much just covered by skin and have absolutely no protection). Now it's all swelled up and hurts to move around. But I refuse to go to the doctor because I don't want to know it's really broken and have another lame "how I broke a weird bone" story. Between that and the foot, I'll need to start making up really good stories.

Finally (and probably most importantly), "The Trade". If you haven't heard, today the Sacramento Kings traded Peja Stojakovic for Ron Artest. I'm not sure how I feel about having a thug on our team. Sure, Bibby kinda looks like a thug, but we all know our team doesn't have a real one. Ron Artest is a little loco. We'll have to see how this works out. I can't say that I'm really sad to see Peja go. Yes, I'll miss Peja the person. But Peja the whimpy basketball player has to go. He hasn't really played well since good old Webber left, so I say ship him off. Love ya Peja, good luck.

That's all for me. Work has been crazy and I'm super tired. I'm going to actually try to go to bed early tonight, even if it means taping "Lost". We'll see if it actually happens.

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