Thursday, August 3, 2006

Concerts, Houses and Muscles

I know, probably the weirdest blog title ever. Eh.

Tomorrow night is the Kelly Clarkson concert. Is it weird that at 25 I'm super excited? Out of all the winners, I really like her the best - the girl can sing (ok, so I voted for Justin. I liked the hair). We'll see - it promises to be a good show!

In other exciting news, I'm going house hunting this weekend! Like actually INTO the houses house hunting! I can't even begin to describe how excited I am - this has been one of my dreams and I've been waiting a very long time for it to happen! I'm trying not to get my hopes up - there are a few houses that I've driven by that I really like, but I'm prepared for them to suck on the inside. That way, if they don't I'll be pleasantly surprised!

Finally, I started physical therapy for my hip this week. Three times a week for the next four weeks. Fun times. As it turns out, I favor the foot that I broke (shocker, isn't it?), but haven't really noticed until I started training for the triathlon. Now the opposite hip is hurting because I'm using it to compensate for a weak ankle and foot. I can't believe how horrible my balance and how weak my ankle have become! He did some deep massage today (read: dug his elbow into my hip) which helped at the time but has now made me really sore. That and ultra sound. Which was super embarrassing because I had to lay on my stomach and pretty much pull my pants down. He's just chatting away while my white little butt is hanging out there. So much for modesty... But, I'm determined to make this work, so I'm diligently doing my exercises.

I'm off to bed now. I meant to go to sleep much earlier so I wasn't tired for the concert, but that didn't happen...

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