Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Products That Scare Me: The Vibrance Razor

Tonight I saw a commercial for a new women's razor blade - the Gillette Vibrance Razor. Here's the claim: by using this special razor blade not only will you get a closer shave, but you'll also get more radiant skin. How, you ask? Well, you simply turn on the soothing vibrations and shave like normal to gently exfoliate. Not only that, but it has new moisture strip technology and three comfort coated blades.

I have several problems with this.
  1. You have to turn it on. Does anyone else have a problem taking battery operated things into water with them? The only way you could make it any better is to say "plug it into the wall and then jump into the shower for the most invigorating shaving experience of your life!"
  2. "Soothing vibrations" sounds a whole lot like itchy skin, doesn't it?
  3. New moisture strip technology? Are those the little things that dry up after the first time you shave and fall off after the second time? Maybe the new technology is that they last more than 2 times.
  4. Three comfort coated blades. Two issues here. Number one, how many blades could you possibly need? I would take one sharp on that gets rid of the hair over three that do an "eh" job. Number two, "comfort coated"? That translates to dull if you ask me...
If any of you out there have tried this fun contraption, I'd love to hear your review...
Bought the new Christina Aguilera CD today. I know, I know. It's actually a very good CD - a throwback to the days of the great jazz singers like Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald. I love it.
I'm a sleepy girl and I'm off to bed. Good night!

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