Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Not sure if all of you remember my fantastic bout of bronchitis back in February (that would be three weeks of hell and two weeks of daily breathing treatments), but it was determined that I probably picked it up from a sinus infection caused by none other than ALLERGIES. To the smoke in Reno, to be specific. Now, I've known forever that I've had allergies and I've known that I had bad ones. But I decided that I wanted to have the skin testing stuff done again so that I knew exactly what I was allergic to. I had this done when I was really little and I remember that I was allergic to pretty much everything, but I still want confirmation. And that way I can avoid whatever it is that I'm allergic to (can I have a bubble please). So after a couple months and referral I finally made it into the allergist.

I had expected to walk in today, have them scratch my skin with every allergen under the sun, sit and itch for a while and then go home. No. Apparently there is much more to allergy testing nowadays. Now it involves blood work, heavy breathing and leg compliments.

That caught your attention, didn't it? :)

First things first, the nurse takes me into the room to do a lung test. I would expect to have fairly good lungs (hello, classical singer and runner). As I'm doing the test (breathe really hard into this little tube three times) the nurse looks at me and says "You're a runner, aren't you?" I said yes and something about how I had better have good lungs. She goes, "No you have runners legs". What does that mean?! Short and muscular?! When I think runner, I think long and lean. I'm anything but.

After that she leads me back into the room and the doctor comes in. He asks me 1,001 questions and tells me to stop taking my allergy medicine. I immediately ask for how long. He says until next Tuesday, which is when I have my skin testing. Apparently I WANT reactions to happen. Hopefully I'm ok until then... The following conversation then ensued:

Doctor Chang: "You need to go have bloodwork done."
Me: "Bloodwork?"
Doctor Chang: "Yes, today."
Me: "Today?"
Doctor Chang: "Yes, go now."

So off I went to have some blood drawn. Apparently, they can do some major allergy testing with your blood now, so while the skin tests help, this blood stuff is the best. I was so proud of myself... I didn't get all queasy! For those of you who don't know, I LOVE to give blood (Seriously) because I think it's a really special gift to give. However, I get a little queasy sometimes and the Red Cross has threatened to "flag my file" if it happens again. Now, mind you, I'm totally aware of this reaction, I know it's going to happen, and I'm ok with it. I always tell the phlebotomist! (isn't that the coolest word ever?) that I'm ok, that I just need to lay there and they panic. In high school they told me it was because I was near the 120 pound weight cut off. I'm thinking that's not really the case now, but either way, I'm totally ok! So this Thursday work is having a blood drive and I signed up. I used today as a practice run. There's only one problem. They did it on my right arm, which is generally the side they draw from. So now the Red Cross is going to think one of several things:
  1. I am a drug addict.
  2. I have some sort of disease that I am being treated for.
  3. I just get weird bruises on my arm.
I'm hoping they don't turn me away... I'm seriously not sick at all and definitely am not a drug addict! Here's to hoping I get a leftie phlebotomist!
Tonight I had the book club over. It was my turn to host and to choose the book. We read "Honeymoon with my Brother" which was a really great book. This guy gets dumped like three days before his wedding and decides to still go on the honeymoon, but with his brother. It turns into a three year world travel. They both quit their jobs and sell their houses. It's a really neat story! It was so nice to have all the girls from work over. Most of the time we don't end up talking about the book the whole time, but it's really cool to hang out and just talk. Tonight it was about 98 degress (with a slight breeze), so we sat outside and munched on veggies and fruit. It was amazing!
On that note, I'm off to bed. Good night!

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