Friday, July 21, 2006

Operation Squish 'Em

I've officially begun my campaign against the bugs. No, I'm not on some sort of drug that's making me see things. Apparently since it's hot outside (The local newspaper today described the weather in one word: "sticky". I'm not kidding. It's that hot.) the bugs have all decided to join me inside. No idea what's attracting them to me and no one else (although I told Tim the other day that I think the spiders can smell my fear). Thus, I've decided to launch "Operation Squish 'Em". I've had a series of events that have lead me to become more brave regarding the extermination of unwanted bugs:
  • Sunday night when I got home from the movies I was forced to take action against an attack spider. This action involved not only the squish method, but also resulted in the use of hair spray as an incapacitating agent.
  • Wednesday night I was reading a magazine in bed before I went to sleep. I put the magazine on my night stand and rolled over to turn off the light. There, standing on the headboard was this weird black grasshopper looking thing. He looked at me and I looked at him. I busted out the hairspray but the sucker was fast and flew off the headboard and crawled under the bed. I spent the next 20 minutes using various covert techniques to finally squish him (thank goodness for skinny heeled shoes that reach behind there).
  • Thursday morning I walked out to my car, tossed my purse on the front seat and situated my laptop bag in the back seat (usual process). I went to move my purse so I could sit down and lo and behold, there was a gigantic brown spider just hanging out on it. I grabbed my purse by the handle and shook it outside the car until the spider fell off. Then I got in the car and sped away.
I've decided I will take no more from the attack bugs. Starting today I wage my war. I will squish swiftly and with decisiveness. Hopefully. :)

I am so excited it's the weekend. Tonight I finally had a night to myself. I did some girly stuff (painted my toe nails, etc), surfed the net, read a little. It's been awesome. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. Sure, it will probably only be until 8am (darn internal alarm clock), but it's sleep. I have some day time errands to run, but I'm hoping to get some serious relaxing done. We'll see if it actually happens... :) Tomorrow night is karaoke night with Tim and the girls. I can't wait!

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