Thursday, March 10, 2005

Day Four

Hello everyone!

Well, I've hit Day 4 of my fitness regime. I'm so tired today. But, I hauled my slightly-less-jiggly booty out of bed at 6am for the 4th day in a row and am feeling pretty good about running. I'm staying at a 9:30 mile for now... I may try to speed that up, but after nearly two years of not running courtesy of my foot, I'm trying to ease into it. I'm not even really that sore... although my calves feel a little tight. Let me make one recommendation: if you don't have an iPod, GET ONE. They are the greatest invention ever! Seriously, I have 3500 songs on mine... that's more than enough to make my 9 1/2 minutes of pain go by very quickly.

I've caved and gone to Starbucks twice this week. I chalk it off to the fact that I'm running again, but realistically, according to the treadmill, I only burn 100 calories on my mile run. Now, I know that exercise also boosts your resting metabolism and stuff, but I'm not sure if it's enough to tackle a grande white chocolate _mocha and an apple crisp. Although, I have been ordering it non-fat lately because I can't taste the difference, so I figure, why not? *sigh* This watching what you eat thing is too hard. I'm over it. I'm down to running and eating what sounds good. It worked before, it should work now. I just can't pass up the animal style fries at In-N-Out, no matter how hard I try. Yes, I know that the fries have more calories than my burger. I just really don't care. They taste good that way!

I'm seriously considering starting a "Dear Anna" column on here. In the past few days, three of my close friends have come to me for advice about serious/life altering situations in their lives. I'm honored, but I wonder why everyone thinks I have it all figured out... I'm hoping advice I give doesn't backfire... Don't hate me if you've asked me for advice and it doesn't work out! :)

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