Monday, March 14, 2005

The Finch Chronicles Part Deux

So, this weekend, I cleaned and rearranged the cage. I moved the nest because it's one of the covered nests, and they kept sitting on top of it instead of in it. My hope was that if I moved it to a place where the top of the nest was wedged against the top of the cage, they would go in instead of on. Two hours later... we have an egg. In the nest. With birds sitting in it. Amazing. This is the type of nest that they can't shove the egg out of, so we'll see how it works out. They seem pretty happy - Louise, of course, is continuing her maid duties while Thelma and Brad nest. One big happy family.

In other news, this weekend was fabulous. Tim and I finally had the chance to hang out again (seems like it's been forever), so Saturday night we went downtown and walked around. It was so mellow and relaxing! He even bought me a rose from a street vendor! :)

I had the bishop here for my mass on Sunday. Boy was I a wreck! Now I know why Annette used to get so fussy before he came... it's a lot of pressure on a director! Fortunately, things went really well!

Oh yes, the ending of the "Cell Phone Chronicles". So Saturday morning I'm sitting with Tim, and what do I go and do? I open my phone. Yes, I know. Against the advice of my Cingular representative. So I open it and it snaps into two pieces. Well, actually three if you count the little tiny metal piece that went flying at Tim. For simplicity sake, let's call it two. So I'm sitting their, holding the pieces of my cell phone and I tell Tim to call me, just for kicks. I have no sound or video, but the phone was still on. Lo and behold, the lights flash. Hilarious. This begins the trek back to Cingular to get a new phone.

Salesperson: "Can I help you today?"

Anna: "I'm looking for a new cell phone."

Salesperson: "Well, do you know which one you want?"

Anna: "I was thinking about a Nokia. I've had some bad luck with the flip phones."

Salesperson: "That's too bad. Well, if you can hold off until the end of April, Nokia will be having some new phones come out."

*Anna holds up two pieces of phone and giggles*

Salesperson: "Oh, well, I guess we're looking today then."

Gotta love salespeople. I ended up with the Nokia 3120. It's a great phone. Doesn't have a boatload of bells and whistles, but I really didn't think I would use them, so I didn't want to pay extra. My favorite part is speakerphone. What an amazing invention!

It looks like I'll be needing a new TV too. Bummer... I was hoping that it was SBC's fault, but apparently, your TV really can pick just one channel to screw the sound up. Go figure it chooses Fox so I can't watch "American Idol". I wonder what's new in the land of TV technology...

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