Friday, March 18, 2005

I'm Going to Disneyland!

I'm so excited! Tomorrow I'm going to Disneyland with my sister! I know she's going to make me ride the "It's a Small World" ride like 10 times, but at least now (unlike when we were little) she'll go on the rollercoasters with me. I can't wait. I love the Indiana Jones ride and Splash Mountain. And my roomie, the Disneyland expert, says they have a new ride too. Buzz Lightyear or something like that. I'll have a full report for you when I get back!

So Saint Patty's Day went really well. Rehearsal was awesome... I was a little worried that we had too much music to cover and once again, my choir amazed me. They are such wonderful people and work so hard... a year ago they didn't know how to sing harmonies... last night they sight-read them! I'm so proud! After rehearsal, Tim and I went to a party at Doug's house. Much food, much beer, much fun! I feel bad for them though... we left at around 10:15 and they were still partying it up. Poor Doug had to get up early this morning to go to Arizona for spring training. lol... bet it was definitely a Starbucks morning for him!

All is well in the fishtank of love. I know some of you were worried about the catfish and betta cohabitating (they are called Siamese Fighting Fish). I talked to the lady at the pet store and she has the same sized tank with 3 catfish and a betta. I did some research and it turns out the bettas are only really aggressive to their own kind. They might pick on fish that have long things hanging off them, like antennas or long fins. But the catfish are small, compact and have itty bitty whiskers so we're good to go. He doesn't even go near them! :) There is much peace and harmony within the Tank of Bedrock.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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