Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo... Rest in Peace

Well, folks, today is a sad day. Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman in Florida passed away. I know that this is a center of debate, but I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about it.

I've paid close attention to the case and read up on CNN. I know that it would be very hard for any parent to let their child go, but I cannot believe that her husband literally starved to death. I've watched videos of Terri - I firmly believe that she was aware of her surroundings. And I cannot believe that in the United States of America we just sit by and watch a woman get starved and dehydrated to death. Now, I understand that her husband has argued that these are "Terri's wishes", that she would not want to live in a persistent vegetative state. Sadly, Terri could not speak for herself, so as President Bush said, we should "err on the side of life". Let this be a lesson for people to PUT IN WRITING what they want done should they be in a similar situation. Yes, it may have been her wishes to die, however, she wasn't able to tell anyone.

Here's some more food for thought. Terri Schiavo was an innocent 26 year old woman when she collapsed due to a potassium imbalance. The State of Florida and her husband starved her to death over a period of 14 days. Our most horrific criminals who rape and brutally murder women and children are given a tidy injection and death comes just a few minutes later. Does that not make sense to anyone else? I DO NOT promote the death penalty OR euthanasia. I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to me that we put murders "out of their misery" and torture innocent people.

I'm curious how other people feel about this issue... please comment! Remember, I want healthy discussion, please don't put other people down for their opinions!

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