Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Things That Worry Me Part One

At long last, the blog entry you have all been waiting for. Or not. :)

Before I begin, I have on brief announcement. MY FAMILY IS COMING TOMORROW!!! Woo hoo! I'm seriously so excited!

With that being said, let me keep you in suspense no longer. Ladies and Gentlemen, things that worry me:

  1. People who load their own trucks and are driving on the freeway: Yes, this seems odd. But, have you ever been driving behind one of those little pickup trucks loaded with sofas and boxes all piled in weird little towers? And if that doesn't worry you, you then look to see that it's all tied in with a little spaghetti-thin string? Yeah, I can just picture someone's sofa flying off the back of their truck and on top of my car.
  2. Elevators that don't get inspected: How do I know that they're not inspected? Because they don't have the little paper in them saying "This elevator was last inspected on April 10, 2001." At least then I would know. And really, if that little paper isn't in there, how do I know how many people we can cram in? I mean, what happens if we're only supposed to have 10 and we have 12?!
  3. Grown adults who can't spell: Take no offense if you are a naturally bad speller. I understand. It happens. However, take note that in this wonderful modern age of ours we have this creation called ... *cue drum roll* ... spell check. It's amazing. It can spell almost any word. And what's even better is that it's included in almost every email program and word processing program. In fact, my blog even has one. Half the time they run automatically. There's no excuse for spelling things wrong is this technologically advanced age. None.
  4. Middle aged men in sports cars: Men, accept this one fact. You will get old. Chances are that you will lose your hair. And get a little pudgy. Don't buy a sports car. Please. I beg you. Us younger women do not find this hot. Nor will we date you just because you have a red sports car. You see, we're in that young phase of life where we have OUR OWN red sports car. We don't need yours. In fact, ours is probably faster than yours. Also, please note that owning a sports car does not give you the right to cut us off and act like you own the world.
  5. People driving in the rain: Folks, really it's not that hard. Turn your lights on, slow down a little and try not to crash. You won't get there any faster if you're involved in a 20 car pileup. Just SLOOOOOOOW down.
Alright, that's it for today's things that worry me. Stay tuned for more!

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